cant see objects behind glass

I got the first glass material on the list, from
and colored it blue, but I cant see objects behind the glass, I know the camara is angled right, because I can see a corner of one of the cubes sticking out from the side of the glass, its got a really garish magic texture. Search apperently thinks “cant” “see” and “through” are too short or common… so that kinda defies the point of that search.

Its a bottle, so its two layers thick, if that changes anything. If anyones interested Im modeling a Bawls energy drink bottle, Im gonna make a pack of them and have mist rising from the top of an open one.

enable ztransp in the materials window, and turn down your Alpha using the A slider.

If you want to use raytracing…you might need to increase raydepth (the max number of times a ray is refracted)

I would suggest setting it to a value of 5 or 6 and see if that solves the problem.

Ty, Roger got it, and its looking good now!