Can't work the hairs anymore

Was modelling the hairs fine, when all of the sudden the hair comb stop working, and not only that, every sculpt tool stopped working as well. All happened when I decided to assign a material to the hairs. Deleting the material doesn’t achieve anything. Idk what to do. Thanks in advance.

Well… this is not much of an info… tried restarting blender… tried some older file… tried appending into a new file… anything…

idk either, just deleted it and recreated it.

You do not know if you tried something ?? :thinking:

I’ve restarted blender, deactivated the geometry nodes, layer was unlocked, nothing. No tool was willing to work. Wasn’t a lot, so I decided was better to remake it.

To bad… sometimes there are simply computer gremlins… or aliens :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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