I’m proud to post my first “finished project” on this forum. I’ve been working with a friend of mine on a rather small animation : CAPODA.
We are both French students, Xavier’s pasttime is sound and mine is computer graphics. So guess who made the music and who made the video What was really interesting was to build them together, not one after the other.
It was done using Blender 2.46, rendered with Yafray, and edited under Kdenlive.
Great animation and perfect sound.
There are a couple of intersecting thorns on the hedgehog which could be straighten out and in a couple of places I think you have too much white. Some references like small rocks or something would improve it in my opinion but that is being picky.
BTW was the hedgehog one mesh or did you use several independent meshes?
Thanks for your coments
Indeed I forgot to make public the video on vimeo. It’s done, enjoy it on HD :).
The hedgehog is made of several meshes, only the body is skinned, thorns are just children of the armature.
Concerning the thorns, I’ve been wondering how to avoid collision, but didn’t find an automatic solution. That’s a good point, how could I have achieve that in Blender ?
I agree, some Depth of field would have been a real plus. And I won’t use yafray anymore for next episodes now that approximate AO and glossy reflections are in blender.
Reminds me a bit of the old Coyote vs. Roadrunner cartoons that Warner Bros. used to make back in the day. I grew up seeing the old Coyote get the short end of the stick whenever he tried to catch the Roadrunner. Always a lot of fun seeing what would happen next. Would be interesting to see him (the hedgehog) in a series of misadventures. He’s just going about his business and out of the blue something happens. Of course I imagine it might be easier to plan something like that if he had more background to interact with rather than just a white area around him. Would give us more of a sense of scale as well as it would give us his relative height and speed in relation to other things/characters around him. Overall I enoyed it though.
I liked the simple, in fact, i loved the whole thing! and then they crushed the porcupine. blech…kind of makes the whole thing a little twisted…but up untill then, great. good music.