Car design

well it feels like it is not finished… but I never really finished any work anyway…:eyebrowlift2:

well the rendering is not amazing but the modeling is pretty much done.

It was for my IGCSE coursework and I had to give it in. Now I don’t feel like working on it so for now It is finished.

probably going to work on it another time… but taking a big break from it.

i think the paint is a little too dull needs reflections ans spec

EDIT:lol srry i forgot to give my praise! great model wish i could do as well!

Wow excelent!

Great Work!

hah… I really like the design. From the front especially it feels like a cross between a tractor and a car, but what function do the intakes on the back serve?..are they just esthetic or do the serve a particular function? Also, the rear axle looks more like stearing rods… what makes the wheels turn?

Well done!
4 Stars.
The cabin is too bright. Put a negative spotlight in there. Give the rear a boot/trunk. Make a proper scene, and bobs your uncle!

I know what you mean about taking a break. I’ve been working on a mazda rx-8 for so long, and I’m sick of it!

PS. I like the way the lights on top of the front wheels look like missile turrets from an apache helicopter. So sweet…

From a practical point of veiw the wheels are silly but ignoring that, this really great stuff, i saw your WIP, if you ever do decide to have another go at this, may i suggest that you work on the interior.

4.3 stars rounded down.

thanks you all for your replies.

I’ll keep everything in mind when i rework on it

I think that the back of jour car isn’t finished (I think it would look better like sedan), seets and steering-wheel are little to small (sin’t it a sport’s car).
I give 9 out of 10.