Car Game?

Hello, im making a game. And i want to[ATTACH]154324[/ATTACH]be able tol drive around. My freind gave me this blend. But i dont understand it HELP Plus i want to get the same rsult form the blend.

For the Beginning, the easiest Way to applx all that Stuff to you own Models this way:

  1. Model you own Car’s Parts
  2. Place the Parts next to the already given Car
  3. Select the corresponding Parts (for Example the original Vehicle Body and your own Vehicle Body), but watch out you select the ORIGINAL Part LAST.
  4. Join them (Ctrl+J)
  5. Edit Mode: Delete the original Part’s Pieces and move your own Part’s Pieces to where the original Ones have been.

That Way you rather apply your Model to the Logic instead of applying the Logic to the Model, but it will work.
If you want to understand the Matter, you will have no other Choice than dissecting it.
A lil’ Tip from me: Change the Friction on the Wheels. (the Logic Property, I mean. Wheels should not slide and slip around.)

It says No active object