car problems..

hey everyone… im working on a car for a short that ive been working on for a while… im having an issue with the material though… its really strange… there seems to be some kind of wireframe showing up on the main body of the car… i have no idea how it got there… any ideas? thanks very much for the help :slight_smile:

the same material is applied to the main body as to the door…

My guess would be a texture. If they use the same material I would check that the body doesn’t have another material connected to the object data instead of the mesh data. Check that in the outliner.
Or the texture is mapped to uv’s and the door doesn’t have a uv layout assigned to it.

Go to Edit mode, hit Ctrl+N to clear Normals. That may solve the problem :).

Good luck with your movie!

Thanks guys… its none of the problems above though… normals are fine… and its definatly not a texture… it looks like its some kind of wireframe… because when i take the subsurf down the pattern size goes up… and when i take the subsurf off completely the lines are the same as my mesh edges but then in triangles… i posted the .blend on a server i have access too… here it is

thanks again :slight_smile:

Hello, I’ve tried your blendfile and it looks nice here. I think the problem is that you have doubled the caross mesh,by misstake, so try deleting one of them. It looks good in this blend because it is only one mesh.

Hope it helps.

hey focus… thanks for testing it… i have tried rendering the file that i uploaded and it has the same problem… thats so strange… did you disable raytracing? because when i disable raytracing or take off the mirroring on the car it is fine… its really weird :frowning: ill try downloading a different build of blender to see if that might be it…

I just figured something out… when i assign different objects in the same mesh that same material they dont have that effect… and its not the material itself… ive tried deleting all the materials in that object and making a new one but it has the same problem… but when i take mirroring off its gone…

ok another thing i found out… (adds to the weirdness) if i set it too shade flat then it goes away… but then when i set it back to shade smooth it comes back… i would really apreciate some help on this… thanks

hey everyone :smiley: ive solved it! it was the normals… recalculating didnt fix it but i just had to go and flip the normals on some bits of the car… very weird… but its all good now :smiley:
so i finished the car… and im having another problem… not with the car this time :stuck_out_tongue: but the trees are having this crazy thing… any ideas? thanks

btw… its not doubles…