Car wheel rotation help

Hi everybody, I’m trying to rig a car wheel to a car for wheel rotation but with no success…

Download this car model:

and please let me know how to rotate the wheels when I move the car forward

I found a red car model with the rigged wheels, but now I can’t remember where I downloaded that file, probably was a BMW… anyway I understood that I have to use constraints, I tried several times but no joy

Hello, Some time ago I made complete systems allowing automatic animation for cars and trucks, with auto steering and suspension.

Wheels rotation with proportional speed is automatically done by a Python script written by Jerôme Mahieux, aka “Littleneo”. This script is included in the setups.

All these systems have been built in Blender 2.49b, but could be used in 2.59, maybe with some adjustments, but once you’ll have understood the principle, you will be able to make your setup in 2.59 as well. Detailed PDF manual is provided.

Browse down in this page of the Blender section of my website. You will find explanations, links to download blend files, demos in video and links to PDF manuals.



Thanks to all for the help, now I’m trying with constraints and it’s going well…