
ok ive been busy working on other projects for a while, and i needed to do something else. so i decided to work on my first car. im using this tut

, just to guide me through the process. im not doing exactly what its telling me to, but i am using it a a sort of reference.all i have done is the frame, and a few other things.

and yes i know the tire area is a bit bumpy

harsh crits plz

Good progress. With all of those scoops it looks like some kind of Batmobile-prototype!

nice! cant wait to see more

thanks guys! fixed the crapy bumpy edges.

and just a few things…c&c

<EDIT!!> made these things a wee bit smaller

i am about to start the wheels

the wheels aren’t that dificult, and the car looks neat…

thx nathan! well so far i cant get the tire tread around the wheel…i think im just going to start over and do it another way. lol…wait…for now im just going to have plain n0-deatail wheel. i will deal with it later. anyone know any tuts i can use for making a tire with a good tread?

for now. i will add detail later on


ok i have filled in the bottom of the car, and i put in the windows.

i really need help on the windows, any suggestions? C&C plz

make the wheel wellls bigger, so that the car rides lower to the ground, tis way to high right now

and it seems to me at least that the wheels also need to be bigger, unless your going for silly looking toon car with little wheels :stuck_out_tongue:

thx for the replies guys .hmm…ok i gues they could use some sizing up a bit. i will also make it ride lower. ok but first, i am having some really bad normals problems with the door…s… and ive hit “flip normals” about 300 times…and ive tried “ctrl-N” and “ctrl-shift-N” and the stupid black marks just move to somewhere else on the car… :< :< :< :< :<

heres a couple pics of me going crazy with the flip normals button.

anyone know what im doing wrong…?

You probaly have a couple faces in there that shouldn’t be. So just look around that area and see if maybe you left a bad face or something.
Btw: nice car :wink:

saweet. thanks mr , that was exactly what was wrong. ok i fixed the tires and added a few more details.

big enough wheels?

C&C plz

post the wire. I think that you have to much faces, and to much of them are triangles

shhhaahayeah…my mesh is a mess. really a mess. and im in the middle of gettin rid of all those horrible triangles. ill post a wire when im done

Triangles are EVIL :expressionless:

Try my TUT :

A minimum of vertices is the key for a good car body :wink:

hm…thats a nice tut you got there speedititi. but if it was in a languqage i could read i would use it,lol. i guess i could try using it with just the pictures…

Google’s Translation. On the left panel click “Teachwares,” then modelisation d auto/index.html. Quite a horrible translation (hey, it’s a Google automated translation :stuck_out_tongue: ), but doesn’t render the tut useless (no pun intended).

EDIT: Just noticed the English version is on the right side of the page. D’oh! Disregard previous information. :smiley:


Hey guys, look better, there’s an english translation on the right side… :o

Thanks again to JLsB for the translation.