, just to guide me through the process. im not doing exactly what its telling me to, but i am using it a a sort of reference.all i have done is the frame, and a few other things.
thx nathan! well so far i cant get the tire tread around the wheel…i think im just going to start over and do it another way. lol…wait…for now im just going to have plain n0-deatail wheel. i will deal with it later. anyone know any tuts i can use for making a tire with a good tread?
thx for the replies guys .hmm…ok i gues they could use some sizing up a bit. i will also make it ride lower. ok but first, i am having some really bad normals problems with the door…s… and ive hit “flip normals” about 300 times…and ive tried “ctrl-N” and “ctrl-shift-N” and the stupid black marks just move to somewhere else on the car… :< :< :< :< :<
heres a couple pics of me going crazy with the flip normals button.
You probaly have a couple faces in there that shouldn’t be. So just look around that area and see if maybe you left a bad face or something.
Btw: nice car
hm…thats a nice tut you got there speedititi. but if it was in a languqage i could read i would use it,lol. i guess i could try using it with just the pictures…
Google’s Translation. On the left panel click “Teachwares,” then modelisation d auto/index.html. Quite a horrible translation (hey, it’s a Google automated translation ), but doesn’t render the tut useless (no pun intended).
EDIT: Just noticed the English version is on the right side of the page. D’oh! Disregard previous information.