Carpal tunnel! :P

Guess what? I just went to the doctor on last Saturday. I found out that I got carpal tunnel on my both hands! I might have to get a surgery on my both hands soon.

In the meaning time, I have to swollow a table <edit>tablet*</edit>twice a day and wear the case as much as I can (which make typing more difficult… ).

I’m curious if anyone here got it as well?

That’s gotta hurt :wink:

I haven’t been to the doctor about it, but when I work alot on the computer, my wrist starts hurting and my whole fore-arm goes numb. It aches for a week or so, so I just take it easy and try and switch hands until it goes away. Also lots of Advil.

yeah you better go to the doctor before it gets worse. I did the same thing, trying to give it a rest, and now it got so bothersome that I actually stop getting on the computer and I couldn’t sleep at all because of its unbearable pain :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh well, its fun isn’t it? Just kidding :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s really bad DreamMaster… :frowning:

I think that this situation is considered as the “typist’s disease”, because a lot of people that work with typing machines or computers suffered such problems due to extended use of the keyboard or the mouse…

I have a similar problem due to bad body positioning… but with my shoulder… I am considered as a tall person and when I am sitting I usually bent slightly forward, in order to be a little closer to the monitor…

This thing has ruined my cervical spine… and now when I spend too much time in front of my pc my right shoulder hurts, because some specific nerve is affected by this…


That sucks. My mother-in-law got that and had a bit of surgery which made things better.

Anyways, everybody has carpal tunnels. You’ve probably got CTS, carpal tunnel syndrome. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

Hope you’ll get better somehow, otherwise Blendering might be more painful that it needs to.

Blender is a dangerous sport.

i think that i am developing OUS (over use syndrom, aka “repetitive stress injury”)

or some kind of carple tunnel somthing in my hands fingers and wrists.

and i’m only 18 i don’t even use the computer much (well i do now but only since i found blender)

it sux (but supposedly the surgury helps heaps and doesn’t have bad effects, well that is what i have been told anyways)

i’ll get it when i’m older :x :x :x :x :x :x :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

oh well everything has its consequences

Well, that really sucks DM7. Hope all goes well.

skontar: I have the same problem, but in my left shoulder. Doesn’t go away for like 5-6 hours. I should get that checked out. I never knew it was from typing on the comp.


Those wrist rests work wonders—they encourage correct hand positioning, so the repetitive stress is much diminished.

When I type a lot at school where there are no wrist rests, my forearms start to hurt, but at my house I have two of those gel thingies (one for the keyboard, one for the mouse) and typing/Blending/playing Quake III for seven hours doesn’t bother me at all.

Typing on 90% size keyboards—you’ll get carpal tunnel syndrome in about 3 minutes…why those were invented is beyond me.

Skontar: I have the same thing, but mine is cause by using the mouse too much. Whole right shoulder knots up and pinhces a nerve, plus it pulls my neck out of alignment.

DM7: I’ll probably need that surgery all too soon my self. I spend way too much time sitting at a computer. 8 hours a day at work, then I come home and blender too.

man, that sucks… :frowning:

Skontar & BgDM: I used to have problems with my elbow, I figure it was probably a problem with the mouse placement, since I don’t get that anymore with my laptop. I think it was caused by the mouse support thingy next to the keyboard support (the kind that folds under the desks) that was too low.



I have sciatica…
the sciatic nerve runs from your spine and down eahc leg. I have a pulled muscle or bulging disk in my spine that it is presisng it off and my entire right leg hurts wheneve ri sit down…


don’t worship the semigods in white too much. Sometimes, Acupuncture and some forms of tai ji can work wonders without cutting anything.

My wrists are not in the best shape, but I developed some techniques to ‘pump energy’ into it. Works if you do it frequently.

It worked, when I cutted off a part of my thumb and the surgeon said: Oh, we can leave that off, it probably won’t grow together anyway.

I proved him wrong.

We’re a sick crowd in here, aren’t we?

But good doctors for acupuncture are rare.

Well, actually I work everyday with those “semigods” and I can assure you they are humans allright… Ohh and they make mistakes to!!! :wink:

Also from what I observe many of them suffer from the same strange disease: stingyness!!!

But once you discover that you experience any kind of health problem, you definetely need to ask for a “professional” advice… With problems such as these, that we mention above, a really good doctor (worth to be called like that…) will certainly advise you to first try Acupuncture or maybe even tai ji, before any surgical operation…

Also getting a second opinion allways helps :wink:


a really good doctor (worth to be called like that…) will certainly advise you to first try Acupuncture or maybe even tai ji, before any surgical operation…

quite right, but I have yet to find one of those.

There is quite a bunch of them that even get angry if you ask too many questions. Most docters I know are skilled but narrowminded.

So it is very good to question their decisions and get a wide horizon.

Particularly when one of those wants to cut your wrists.

besides, when I mentioned Tai ji, I meant a technique of breathing and concentration that I derived from it. Not those slowmotion like movements.

Try the book ‘embrace tiger, return to mountain’ from Al Huang


I AM ONLY 17 going on 18 in Dec. 10th. :stuck_out_tongue: Don’t complain!
I probably am the youngest woman who got carpal tunnel from the computer! Curse you Blender! :wink:

Weeelll, I’m only 15 and i don’t actually use the computer that much, but occaisionally, my right hand goes “funny”. :o

Actuallly, It’s probably because I play the clarinet and it screws up my hands.
Still, not good, hope you get cured, dreammaster.

ah, your right hand, yes!

From clarinette, of course.

But you know, your hand will fall off if you continue :stuck_out_tongue:

Fall off? :o

Now I’m scared! J/K!