Cartoon Car

I have been working on a cartoon car as part of a school project. Eventually it will be part of a short (30sec) animation. As part of the project, I need to get criticism on whatever I make, so let me know what you think.

I would reccomend adding headlights. possibly bumpers too.

Me second, the door and seat.

Yeah the front end of it needs more detail.

Thanks for the suggestions so far. I’ve added a bumper and some lights. Its a bit rushed and the bumper could be improved, but let me know what you think. I don’t think I’ll worry about the doors, my modeling experience isn’t great.


It has much more ‘car-ness’ now. Looks good.

don’t worry humpo for door ;), still your car look nice, maybe with windshield wiper may look better ?

Seats! Where are the seats?! I like the little round tires though.

OK, I’ve added a seat, a door handle and a windshield wiper. I’m not so sure about the material I used for the seat, I think maybe grey would look better…


It look better now, the color of the seat is quite similar to your car, yes grey would be nice but I suggest you make several color.

some sort of grill on the front would look good. it’s coming along nicely.

Thanks again for all the ideas. I’ve been very busy the last few days, but I have made a few changes. I added a simple grill, but I think I’ll add a texture to that later, and I’ve made a simple background for the car.


For a really basic, simple render I think it is charming! It has inspired me to have a stab at making a cartoon for my kids. Good work.