Cartoon Eyeball Animation Tutorial Finally Posted

Here is the direct Link-

Let me know what you find wrong with it. I will try to get it fixed.

Blenderchar is welcome to post on site. (You might want to hold off till I get the edits made, or feel free to update yourself, just let me know what you did so I can fix too.)




I had figured out the ‘track empty’ and the ‘blinking eyelids’ but Lattice deform just didn’t work as I wanted it to work. Using 2 empties parented to a master empty is a nice addition.
I don’t get why you have to select ‘Track Y’ for the empty. I didn’t and I have not noticed anything special…

For the blink, maybe give some input on slow and fast blinks (ie how many frames for each) and start the blink at frame 20 (initial location key)or so with the closed position around frame 30

For the slow amongst us, maybe change
“Advance 10 frames, Rotate Lid and insert Keyframe again”
“Advance 10 frames, Rotate both Lids to closed position, select them both and insert Rotation Key again”

‘…delete X and Y rotation curves’ Why? Cleanup? Side effects?

What I really want to say is that I think it would be more interesting if it was explained why things are done than to simply go through a list of things to do. Like in the ‘Set IPO curve for Key 1’. It is not stated why we are doing this. I guess we’ll see it when we run the animation, but still…

Hey, all this is meant in with the best intentions! I do not mean to put down you tut (which I thing is really nice) I’m just giving some personal feedback. I’m very gratefull to you (and all other tutorial writers) for the effort you put in these tuts.

Thanks again,

The track Y may not be necessary if you follow my instructions exactly. I think it is already set on track Y. I will check the tut and make note of it. Thanks. The tracking axis feature is important to know about.

The feedback about the explanantions is right on. Sometimes you forget what you don’t know. I get very frustrated when tutorials expect you to read the mind of the author.

I just set the upper lid to keep the blink simple. In a normal blink, the lower lid does not move much anyway. Lower lid movement is necessary for good expression though.

More latter,
Thanks again

Cool! This is what I was looking for! At BlenderChar there is part 1 of the tutorial, but it says the blinking and tracking part of the tutorial is under construction. I think that tutorial should be added to the BlenderChar site.
I tried emailing Michael Thoenes at his Creation Animation email address but I got an email back from yahoo saying “Sorry, your message to [email protected] cannot be delivered. This account is over quota”
I was just about to post my question on this forum when I found out about the link to the tutorial in this thread.

Major Computer crash followed by extended vacation has kept me offline for a while…Turned out to be Bad Ram…

Hope you found what you were looking for…

Is this tutorial still available anywhere? The link above does not work.


Page won’t open for me either, and I REALLY want to see this. :frowning:

Sorry to bump this again but really, the link doesn’t work, and I REALLY want to see this tutorial. PLEEEEZE!! [!]

Well this guy is realy not browsing elysiun anymore. So better ask venomgfx, he have this knowledge. We just all bug him for a tut now.

(edit) well it does exist. you just had to search a bit. the guy have a new website here:, said in the first post.
looking in the tutorial section give 404, but remove index.html and you’ll see this:


also there is some cool character modeling tut in there. here from the same guy it seam.
good day!

here is the new location to the tutorial. :wink:

  • Ian