Cartoon Stone Wall - WIP

I’ll be adding more props in later, like some blades of grass. I may trial out toon shading and some edges.

Woops - lost the images! Hang on!

I saved it elsewhere … but here it is!


I think the stones are a bit big…and maybe close up the gaps between the bricks?

Thanks - I will have to make some adjustments at some stage!

i would suggest saving toon shading for the postpro, just go for the toon look for now, unless you really want to use blender’s edge function. as for the grass, blender has a really good particle system perfect for making grass, try googling a videotut or something :smiley:

I’ve seen some of the google-youtube clip re edge, and some of them are quite impressive. To be honest, I want an image that I will post process in gimp, making it seem like it’s all done by hand.

gimp can be good for that, in that case you should probably find that grass tutorial :wink:

No problem - I think I have a downloaded tutorial on my hard-drive, that I have never gotten around to actually going through, among many others. (-: