I was watching the most recent Casino Royale (the one with Daniel Craig) and was wondering if anyone knew how they did the parts with the sort of blocky 3D people, who, when punched, exploded into a suit from a deck of cards (as in hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades).
Can this be done in Blender?
You can see the video here: http://www.framestore-cfc.com/#/Design/CasinoRoyale,TitleSequence
The part I’m talking about shows up between 1/3 and 1/2 of the way through the video. (It’s also on YouTube).
Wow, what an awesome sequence, I forgot about that one.
About the animation – I’m sure it could be achieved in blender, but I think in the case of this sequence they would have used video to get the outlines of the people. I.e., it’s mainly 2d work. The people weren’t modeled and animated.
Actually, I think doing this in 3D would be pretty simple. Do motion capture, use really low-poly models with solid color textures and no lighting. I’m actually using a mildly similar technique I hacked together for a series of shorts that I’m working on for some time, and that sequence was one of the things that made me go that route. It’s so freaking neat looking.
This is probably done via rotoscoping and vector graphics, tho. animating all the details, like the ties and stuff… that would be hard to get to look right without motion-capturing a tie as well… not really feasible to do all that work within a certain budget restriction, either. The 3D camera-rotations and stuff probably make it feel a lot more 3D than it is