Casting shadows on smooth surface


here is my problem. I want to cast shadows on a smooth surface. I added a spot that only cast shadows. But when i render, the surface illuminated by the spot behaved as if it was not smooth…(what is particulary ugly…)

Anybody got an idea? Thx.

What’s the bias setting on the spotlight ? If it’s too low, you’ll get very ugly patterns produced.

Well, when i put the bias to the maximum it is much better (thx) but not perfect…indeed, there is some discontinuities in the shadow.

Have you upped the Samples and BuffSi (Buffer size)?

That seems to help quite a bit.

Yes, they are to the maximum…

How about the soft value ? Low values can give unpleasant results sometimes…or clipping, the clip start should begin between the lamp and the objects casting shadows (as close to the object as possible) and the end value should be just after the shadow casting object. The clip values are shown in the 3D window by the solid line projected from the spot light.

If this doesn’t help…maybe you’re using square spot bundles ? (not sure what effect this would have) Or maybe your lamp has a texture ?

these values are set correctly…i solved the pb by using subsurfing instead of smoothing…but i woudl all the same know if it’s possible to do it with smooth surface because subsurf is cpu intensive.

‘Smoothing’ does not affect the geometry of the mesh, it only affects the shading. With SubSurf, it’s vice versa. So best use both for really smooth stuff.