Castle in the dark/It's mee

Hey guys,

these are one of my first things I’ve ever done in Blender. After I played around with “this and that” I wanted to render something with a bit more context/story than just a donut or a glass :wink:
I would appreciate some feedback from you even tho I know that there are some major flaws in these renders.

Thank you guys. Much love <3

Castle in the dark
Ship by Build Studio from TurboSquid
Shrub by frycekpolska1994 from TurboSquid

It’s mee
Fawn by mnphmnmn from TurboSquid

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Maybe a little more light in the castle scene will make give a upgrade, and show the castle texture better, as you are using a full moon, it is supposed to have more moonlight, but not something too strong.
Altough, the focus on the moon and night sky it is very soothing and pleasant.
Or maybe it is only the fog washing the texture a little.

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