hi guys ive been moddeling this for about a day and i know ive added no textures so far :eek:
but i just wanted some expert advice from all you legends at blender so just tell me what you think guys.
Don’t bump things.
Anyway, I like it. The colours and shapes give it a nice, light, cartoony feel. Something I notice though is that it’s half-way between cartoon and real, for a better feel for what you’re going for, I’d try to add a little whimsy to the lines, make them more curvy and sketchy. Still though, it’s a good start.
Thanks alot black boe i can understand what you mean im only still a noob and have not been using blende long i am aiming for the realistic look but so far i havent had much time to learn gimp or PSP7 so i cannot make my own textures for this project yet anyway and also i have no idea how to uv-map so any help would be brilliant also any help on moddeling would also be great
oohhhh and sorry for bumping i got a bit bored lol