I made a castle!
This time it took me more than three hours…it took me a week.
i like it, but its too shiny, castles usually arent made out of plastic. and the window things on the left side of the castle dont look to good, theres too many, and they look the same, (becuase they are), but primarily i dont like the texture.
yeah, I can fix that. Oh, and that too. And, yes, I will fix THAT as well! (And did I mention I’d fix that too? Cause I will!)
anyways, who’s to say that the king didn’t WANT the windows to all look the same?
and it’s blender, what do you expect?! Everything that comes out of Blender automatically looks like plastic! (woooaaah…just kidding mr. administrator! hehe!)
I sense you are speaking ironically. If I am mistaken then I would suggest playing around with your materials. You can make them look like anything you want if you put some time into it and follow some tutorials or ask questions in the forums.
And don’t be too defensive
I think the shininess makes it more interesting. And, besides, I’ve seen some pretty shiny walls that looked like that. especially if they’re made out of stone and next to the ocean or lake or sea.
yeah…what he said!
no, I wasn’t being defensive. I was just joking man! I OWN my own forum!
Hmmm…I like it…its pretty…I just don’t like all of the windows that look the same on the side of the building…
And the stones don’t match up at the corner of the building perfectly…also wouldn’t the corners be slightly round in real life?0_o…
Also…owning your own forum is pretty easy to do 0_0…
Anyways…nice work! I like it! 3 stars…
May I suggest reduces spec and hardness, AO, and a build with Wizard’s tile procedural?
I think there could be a little window variation too.
Ever played Ultima 7: Serpent Isle? Your castle comosition reminds me of it’s intro scene, though your castle is far more complex, and in all thruth, better rendition.
Less Shiny, more impressive, more bigger, more textured, and so on. Comments anybody?
*****edit: oh, and I forgot…I rendered this WITHOUT Ray Tracing and Ambient Occlusion. I used AO in the first image I posted earlier, but not this one. It takes WAY too long. Ray Tracing includes shadows (notice there are no real shadows!) I’ll render it with AO and Ray Tracing tonite while I’m sleeping.
wheh, that’s some good copypasting, haha, well anyway, I think the camera angle does a lot to it. try a better angle and put the perspective lower to put more of a realistic feel to it.
nice=D…I think the windows look like they were “glued on” though
in my opinion, the castle looks way too even. If possible try fractallizing it or find a more natural looking texture. Yes, I think you should change the angle of the camera too, make it pointed up so that the castle looks like it is touching the skies. This will also take that ugly ground out of the picture.
Yeah, sure, “it looks like it’s made of Lego blocks,” but I say, that’s okay! If that’s what the designer intended, then so be it.
I particularly like the camera point-of-view, especially in the second shot, and the very good use of sunset lighting, which has been presented in a plausible and dramatic way. The short focal-length lens, the clear and plausible horizon line, and so-on make for a dramatic setting, and the exposure is basically satisfactory throughout the frame.
I can’t help but notice how apparent the window repetition is, can’t you carve out multiple window styles and place them in the appropriate location. I can’t imagine a king wanting the windows to be all the same.