catapult problem

i want to make a catapult to fling my ball across the levl onto a new platform…but when i launch the catapult the ball goes through it. Please help and thank you in advance

Have a ball object in the catapult, parented to it, and not dynamic. Also parent an empty to the catapult, and when you launch the ball, have the static ball end, and add a dynamic ball with a lot of linV to make it fly.

ummm thanks for ur reply but i dont think this helps…my ball moves around before it gets to catapult:confused::confused:

Could you descrbe your setup more? What I mean is that there is no need to have a dynamic actor for anything but the actual catapult launch. So keep the ball static until it is launched.

Are you trying to use a bowl as the main part of the catapult?

If so this could be the problem, concave shapes aren’t really meant to move while colliding in bullet. 2.43 will however have compounds which you can rough out the bowl shape with convex meshes.

A while ago i made a cannon loading demo thing, and i used an IPO for all of the mechanized things that moved the shell and it worked fine. But yes, if you make it to fast, it will go through the object.

well guys im making it like a ball adventure puzzle challenge kinda game…it’s like my 2nd game lol im new to ge…but the ball moves down a pipe and then u jump across platforms to the catapult…but when u launch the catapult the ball goes through it…and it is like a bowl…well the part u get flinged out of is a cube subdivided once and the center verticies pulled down lol…hoped that helped u help me…thank you guys again

Are you using and IPO to animate it?

no i’m using rotate logic brick thing…i dont know how to use ipo with game engine…lol sorry i’m new to game engine…and blender as well…and thank you for the fast reply

No propblem. If you split your window, and push shift+F6, the IPO curve edit to will be displayed. Specifics on how to animate with IPO curves can be found on the Blender website, or about a thousand other places. Once you animate the catapult, use a IPO actuator to set it off. If you still dont understand, I would be glad to make a .blend file.
good luck.

kk thank you…i just didn’t know how to use ipos in game…I’ll tell u tomorow if i have any problems and thank you for the fast replies:D

hey cool it works now lol thank you so much:D

No problem. Glad I could help.

Yo tambien.