Catching light part 1


Well this started with a simple test scene used to experiment sereral lighting siutations with Octane Renderer and it quickely became a more complex scene so I decided to post some of the results I got. I used daylight or HDR, daylight produces a bit hard shadows, I should try to tweak that or use an HDR map faking sun.

Modelled with Blender and rendered with Octane



Superb modelling and composition. Octane does really make a great job on these scenes.
Also, I love your use of DOF.


yay, High quality.
how much time did it take to render?

wow… super realistic… very nice work

Wow!! You modeled and texturing everything…?
A titanic work!!
Amazing, congratulations!!


Beautiful, the last one is my favourite. Although, those stairs do look dangerous especially with a child in the house:)

I wish my house was dust free.

Great modeling, textures, and composition. Five stars. Your second image is the most appealing to me although they’re all first rate.

Alas, I just built a new machine with an ATI 5870 so I’ll have to wait for the OpenCL version of Octane.

Wireframe or it never happened!

kiddin’, we all know you’re top notch and Octane is that impressive. :slight_smile:

So you made that one. I saw Octane used that for there splash screen, great work.

Thanks to all for viewing,

@Dhia Eldeen: Depending on the image it may varies from 30min to 2h in 1600 wide or 1100 height, the published images were downsized.

@DavideDozza:Indeed it’s a huge work, not only the modeling but as you guessed, the texturing too.

@seanser:Yep, since those images I added some protection :wink:

Hey, 'can only congratulate on the work ! How many hours have you put into this ?
Brilliant images.
Vraiment magnifique ! Bravo !

Merci Bobi,

Well hard to say the time I spent on this project as I reused some already modelled objects but I would say about 40 hours on modelling, texturing and doing some postpro.

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this

I know I’ve asked you this before, but how can you be so perfect at rendering? your robot and this one are both 100% photo realsitic and quite complex.

A-MA-ZING! Great work, realistic as it gets!

Very impressive renders. Amazing work on the materials, makes me wanna give Octane a try. :slight_smile:

Great stuff! I saw this already on the Octane forum, but just decided to pop in blenderartist as I haven’t been in here for a long time. On the HDRI lighting: make a copy file of the HDRI and apply a Gaussian blur to it (level depends on your liking). This will soften up the shadows.

I love your pics. The Octane render is a very cool tool.

beautiful. i love it!