Catwoman bust (cleavage warning) new render 3.12.2006

Okay, after some major light tweaking of my own, I came to this. I also narrowed her face a bit (see the BgDM render for refrence from the attachment.).

And if someone missed, here’s the –>leather material .blend<–

I think this is my final render with this one, but comments are still appriciated.

–old edit edit–

Check the attached image to see a new render thanks to BgDM. He was kind enough to check my light setup and he also did some interesting ramp work on the skin shader as well. So my humbelest thanks about that.

—end old —


Eye’s look a bit big and a bit too white under the glasses. Most of it looks pretty nice, though. Also, I would love to see the leather texture settings.

great work!

I think glasses and skin shaders could be better.
Leather shder is so good!

You should use some more fancy lighting and ambient occlusion to get those shadows I really miss now… Nice work.

Thanks guys. Hah, I just realised, that I forgot to turn on the shadows for this one. I must get right on that. :smiley:

But, someone asked for the leather settings, so -> here’s<- a blend file.

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Well you certainly delivered on the “bust” in all meanings of the word, although it could still use some refinement. I think the camera angle isn’t the best because she just seems like a disembodied torso. I would recommend something more cropped in. Or add some arms and just do an upper body shot. Just because all you made is a bust doesn’t mean we have to know :slight_smile:

From my male perspective, the cleavage is pretty nice but has some strange creasing at the top of the curve of the breast. And some skin texture would be very nice. You might try even using the leather texture for it but with much less Nor values. There’s also some great skin shaders available on the forums.

I think the glasses would look better if the lenses appeared to be made of glass rather than plastic.

The choker looks odd in that its up too high on her neck. I would imagine it would rest on the lower portion of her neck, as that restricts movement less.

Her green eyes could use more detail, they are rather cartoony at the moment.

I like the overall feel of what you have so far. It can be made into something really great if you take those comments into account. And don’t forget shadows! maybe some AO too? I’ll save a star rating for later in case you choose to improve it. =)

All righty, I made a new render, check the first post, out of her. This time I even remebered to turn on the shadows. Yay. And for those crying after AO, it has been there since from the first render.

And I also added arms, so she wouldn’t look like an amputee. And I changed the color of the goggles frame to less Dame Edna like…

I did some tweaking on the cleavage area too.

Something about your lighting, in all your renders, makes it look very flat. Any chance of having the blend file for this to see if I can play with your light setup? It may also be a material/texture issue. But I am not sure.

Your modeling improves every time you post a new image, which is a great thing. Keep up the good work on that end.


Still crying for those shadows :slight_smile:

Nice stuff. I didn’t render out the full sjot, so I didn’t get to see the whole thing. Leather looks really nice.

Glad I could help out. Hope you learned something from my light setup too?


Yes, the setup you made is really nice. So here’s to hoping, that it wasn’t for vain. :smiley:

From this angle, the face looks very masculine (and a bit fat). What gives this impression is the lower jaw. A tad too broad.

There is also the lighting that underline (maybe) unwanted crease on the face that makes her look older than (probably) intended.

Clothes would require higher resolution because you do a close up shot.

However, nice work on the leather texture. And the cleavaaaaaaaaage #muaaaaah#


Edit : The second render is far more convincing. Now it’s just the jaw and the face that might be a little too broad… But the lighting do a mighty job compared to the first version.

I’m gonna have to agree with aws357 about the masculine face. Making the face a little narrower and the lips a bit fuller could help.
The skin looks a bit plasticy.
The leather material on the jacket looks great, though!
Nice cleavage too :wink: (I guess the “warning” was necessary? wow I really HAVE missed a lot on this forum).

Nah… I just placed it there so people, who knew what it means wold know where to click.

Ahh!!! She has no arms! I think some lip gloss might make her more sexier, other than that, awesome stuff bro :)!

Nice model. Amazing leather too!
Can I share the leather material with other Blender users?

hey! nice job… …err, the two of you! LOL

the new lighting setup is better, but the first had more character to it

great piece, btw :]


Thanks from the comments. I’m not gonna do anything more with this one. At least for now. But we’ll see.

Anyone who want’s to use the leather material is welcome to do so. No strings attatched.

The reflections on the glasses still look a teeny bit funny, but the overall quality is great. Nice work.