caustic reflections with metal with yafray


for some reason i am unable to get yafray to render metal caustic reflections.
i can create every refractive with glas but not with metal surfaces.

my simple ring just doesnt show anything inside.

i used light emmiting meshes, area lights and the photon lamp.
nothing worked. anybody has a clue for me?

it needs an IOR value. Even for mirrors.

argh …

crap the scale i work in blender seems to be to small for yafray. few photons are a tenth of my ring. the caustic effect is also to strong. do you know a way how to lower the intensity?

I guess you’re using a photon lamp, so you could just turn down the intensity og the lamp.

hi tried that but it did not seem to help.

mh i have to gig my nose deeper into that.
it seems like yafray has a scale/dimension sytem
and i seem to put big opjects into a tool small area.