Cave with blue flame?

k i’m trying to make a avatar for a friend but i need some help here

i’m gonna try to put his nick in it but once the nick is in it doesn’t look nice anymore:(

suggestions ppl( i think the rock needs a little change maybe specularity )

c&c plz


and of course particle size and number( more,smaller particles

thats awesome wish i could do that sorta stuff…
umm lets c make the flame a bit less… straight???
make the rock less shiny. is it meant to be that shiny?

later days


Shouldn’t the fire have more energy at the source?

How did you make ground look like that ? I dont know if bumpy is right word but i hope you understand what i mean.

Displacement map probably.

Just use the Disp button instead of the Col button when setting a texture. It’s in the Materials-> Map To panel.

Doubt it’s displacement (look at the rim of the crater against the flame). Probably just bump mapped with a high normal value on a voronoi texture.

And I don’t think the rock looks shiny at all. It could probably do with some stronger specularity.

It’s simple, but does look very nice.

The back wall looks more displaced that the crater does.

yep simple as hell:P

and how pic looks really depends on what comp you look at it

i made it on a comp at school it has a high gamma and contrast( the screent there )
it really looked shiny there but on the comp here at home it really does look different