To complete a project I am considering using meshes contained in a blend file that is licensed as a “Creative Commons CC Attribution-Share Alike 2.1” in an animation to be included in an instructional video.
I understand that i would have to credit the authors and other contributors for use of the meshes. That is cool.
However, will the final animation have to be of the same license? Meaning will i have to put up the blends on the web for others to use? Or can i keep that final file and video private for use be myself only.
Basically, i want to use blender to create very simple 3D animation of bones in the body. I want this to give my students an under the skin view of what they are trying to achieve with the physical therapy manipulations I am teaching them.
It will save me hundreds of hours trying to create my own bones and mine could never be as good as those one provided by bodyparts3d.
I am concerned about the license because I would like to restrict who can watch the final instructional video (including animation and live footage) to physical therapists that have taken one of my courses or those that have paid for it.
I understand that any responces made are not legal advice but i am fairly sure this is a common occurance.
PS i previously posted in the academic forum on the blender site.
IANAL but it seems the share alike part “If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one” makes it impossible to use this work in a proprietary product (which is really what you’re talking about here).
They also have a means to request a non-CC license if you must keep your work away from other people but I kind of doubt you really need that since (presumably) people are paying for your instructional expertise and not some DIY video.
I believe the final animation would have to be under the same license. That is one of the concepts behind the Creative Commons – if you use someone else’s work to create something then others have that same right to create from your work.
No, you can also just give the final work just to your students, but it needs to be licensed CC-BY-SA 2.1 for anybody who gets the work. Your students will decide if it ends up on the internet
But anyways I’d suggest you put up the final work under CC-BY-SA 2.1 on your homepage, anyways, because that’s the best advertisment you can get.
Btw: If you are still unhappy with the above, the best way to solve this problem is to pay a blender artists to create the desired bones for you.
Btw2: Why does this sound like another “I want to take but not give”-thread to me?
Thanks guys for taking the time to reply. Your answers are very helpful.
One more question. If someone used one of those bones in a section of an animated movie, for hollywood say, would the entire work have to retain the same lisence (CC-BY-SA 2.1).
The reality is that the video is using the bone to demonstrate technical knowledge. I would like to maintain some control over that technical knowledge (hence my concern of releasing the blends or giving unrestrained access over the web).
So from what you guys are saying. Its sounds like i will have to have some meshes made for me or spend time making my own.
I certainly would not use licensed work inappropriately hence the initial question, just like i would not someone to inappropriately use my work.