CeBIT 2006 - Press Photos made with Blender


the annual trade fair ‘CeBIT’ is currently taking place here in Germany and I had to produce lots of graphics and the press photos for AVM, the company I work for.

Blender is my daily working horse and so all(!) of our CeBIT press photos were at least touched by Blender, some of them are completely made with Blender because our current prototypes were not looking like the final versions (wrong colours, dimensions, interfaces…).

Here’s some of the stuff I’ve been producing during the last 2 weeks - there was not enough time (and no need) to do everything completely photorealistic.

I hope you enjoy it.


‘FRITZ! Mini’ (YafRay):

‘FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7500V’ (Blender internal renderer):

‘VoIP Gateway 5188’ (Blender internal renderer):

And here’s an example for a Photo/Blender mixture - we had no device in the desired colour (grey/red) and so I decided to give a different model to our photographer and make the rear panel & lettering with Blender/YafRay.

FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 - photograph and ‘blended’ version:

Beautiful renders thoro.


Very nice work :slight_smile:

Good luck with your company

Just saw your post, and then I went here!


Thank you very much guys! After a week like this, you can’t imagine how much I’m looking forward to the weekend… leaving the office now ;).

Goofster, nice find! And these pals at seem to have some sense of humour (‘hey isn’t that Robert Crumb we see over at the AVM booth demanding royalties?’). Added the black version to my first post.

Nice work Thoro!!!

You where pretty tight with modeling before, but had problems with
realistic materials.

You have IMPROVED a lot lately! Congratulations, it looks really good!

2 weeks… Man, i think that I wold need 2 years :slight_smile: But again, I’m still learning blender 8)
But the main reason I have posted this is that I have noticed that on the right pic you have forgten to change table refflection of that UTP slot :slight_smile: (Ho’s bitching? Me? :slight_smile: Nooo :slight_smile: )

Holy $#!@ man! Those look awesome, Nice job

great work, very well done. can i ask how much time went into these? i’d be interested from a productivity perspective.

He said 2 weeks…40 hours im assuming per week? Maybe off on Sunday…

JoOngle: Thank you, JoOngle - realistic materials are sometimes difficult to achieve and I’m glad that my efforts are recognisable :P.

I think the most difficult thing is lighting, especially when parts of the device are just black or got no nice curves to highlight.

Enriq766 and traitor: Thanks, guys! It’s difficult to tell how much time exactly went into the images - some required to model a whole device (for example FRITZ! Mini) and some only needed new materials/lighting. The hardest part was the discussion with our product managers :D.

The rendering time was a real issue on some of the images - rendering in YafRay with a resolution of 2138x1536 took some time - I rendered separate layers and faked DOF and had to use low quality settings in some of the layers. I corrected bad shadows by hand afterwards, this saved much time.

Are you shure it’s a render? :wink:
Beautiful, perfect!

Blind me! They look so great - well done!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Again - thank you very much - it’s good to know that this work is appreciated.

By the way, this is a photo of my desk with all of this year’s press photos (edit: photo removed)

good renderings. good to see that blender makes it into the communication design industry.

the edges show some jaggies in some of the renderings.

since when do you work for your company and where is it located?
good luck at the cebit. to bad i cannot go this year again.


Great, no one looking at them that has nothing to do with GC will realise that they are CG.

Sets of colors reminds me something. Never mind it’s long awaited blender stuff from Hanover Expo. You did big and fanthastic job Thoro!

May i ask you for rendertime of FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170?

I’m only asking because of hdri is used there.

Viel spas und bis sehen dude!

Nice work.
I spy a mirror ball :smiley:

Love that monitor stand with that cool apple on it. :wink:

cekuhnen: Thank you, Claas. About the jaggies, there was not enough time for some of the images to finish them in perfect quality - the photo lab needed some time to print them. Luckily you don’t see the jaggies on the prints. The company I work for (AVM) is located in Berlin - I work there for 3 years now.

mastersword: Thank you - yes, I studied the web for comments on the FRITZ! Mini and everybody was discussing the design of this gadget by looking at my images. Nobody said ‘forget about it, it’s just CG’.

Burt.S.: Thank you very much - for the FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 photo, I just had to replace the rear panel and the lettering - so rendertime was just 10 to 20 Minutes I think.

chimpoid: Yes, I bought this to create my own angmaps - it’s sometimes a bit weird to unpack it and take a photo of a mirror ball, but I get used to it. :wink:

devlab: Hehe, me too :smiley: - it’s got the perfect height - and a decent look.