cel shading

Hello everybody,

i write a game design document and i I would like to know how to get a graphism between the cel shading and realism. A little like Zelda Skyward Sword and the last Prince of Persia. I don’t want something too cartoon and too realist, i don’t want exactely the same thing that Prince or Skyward Sword but i want to get the same spirit. I heard that Prince, it’s a work of fine textures and object’s contour.

I don’t know if it’s very difficult to obtain such a graphics rendering that’s why i need of you, users of Blender and artists, to help me understand the technical difficulties.

I hope someone will answer me, i thanks those who have read.


Do a search for “Toon Shading” and you’ll find posts on how to do it. I’ve seen many good results using nodes to accomplish the effect.