
Okay. I want to make a game. I want the graphics to be cell-shaded. I know Blender GE will do this. Either the duplicate mesh and expand method or GLSL. I can’t do GLSl, so I’ll be doing the first one. I duplicate the mesh, set normals on the inside, scale, and then change the color to black and set shadeless. The problem? It sets those settings to both meshes. I just want it to be on the outer mesh. Here’s my question: How can I force Blender to keep the color and shade on the outer mesh, and keep my textures on the original?
Thank you! :smiley:

P.S. Sorry if I sound like a jerk. :frowning: I have been working on this for a month and no one will tell me how to do it.(Well… not in a straight answer, anyway…)

You will need to set the duplicated mesh material as a single user and then change the material, in edit mode tic the alpha button and press the copy button, adjust the alpha to your liking! Here is an example.


TextureFaceCellShade.blend (246 KB)

Just playing around with it, added some logic!


TextureFaceCellShade_Two.blend (248 KB)

Finally! Straight to the point! However, I tried what you said and it did not work. Both meshes keep changing their color. :frowning: Something I’m doing wrong or does your method only work for a specific version of blender? Oh, and the cell-shade I want is in the style of Okami. This should give you an idea, just in case: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMggt9L-Tq4

   Thanks! :)

I am using 2.49b, Make sure under the “Game” setting that Texture Face or Blender Multitexture Materials is checked. You can adjust the alpha on the cell shader to make it darker or you can flip the normals on the outer cube for solid black.

Add a new texture for the second object will probably do, when you duplicate an object is keeps the same texture as the original

I’ll try that, but how do you give the duplicate a new texture? If I change it, it applies it to both! :confused:

Whoa?! It worked! Thanks for all of your help! :d

You could have also used a node setup, which is pretty simple to implement. You dot-product the normal vector of the object by the view vector, then you divide the product by 2, plug it into a color map, and output the color (going straight off of memory, so that may not be right).