CG Sphere - Which render should I submit?

Just need your feedback on something. I’m getting ready to make my first CG Sphere submission, but I made two versions of the render and I can’t decide which one to submit.

This one was done in Yafray. It rendered for an hour or two if I remember correctly.

This one was done in Indigo. It took 21 hours.

Thanks for your input guys, and I apologize to any 56k users out there for the large .png.:smiley:

21 hours!?! nerve racking…i would say take the yafray one since it has nicer caustics.

I would put the one that has the dragon in the middle, cuz like, this is your thing, ya know. so if youre gonna submit something, put yourself into it.

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you COULD theoretically submit both and state the difference…

I’m not getting your humor on the dragon joke, but as for your last sentence this was just a side project. Do you honestly think I shouldn’t submit it?

[Edit] No hard feelings against you if you do.

its better than a few ive seen in the gallery i like it

The second one, for sure.

my bad. sorry. I can’t tell what’s inside…cubes? if so, I would go for something more…complicated. like a rose (we always see pics of a rose with dew droplets on the petals), or a fairy trapped in her crystal shpere cage. or a mini-universe of other planets. Right now the second one looks good because of lighting, but uninteresting (to me, who is very tired right now). The good spheres on the site, imho, have like a theme or make a play on the thing somehow; yours looks like glass beads or water droplets making up a sphere. whoopie. So I would play on that thought somehow to make it thought-provoking. But I do like the second one. like, why are cubes inside the sphere? maybe that’s good enough, just playing with geometric shapes…although, what’s that old saying - you can’t put a square peg in a round hole? Maybe use that as your title…“square pegs in a round sphere”…

I planned on giving it the title ‘spherahedrons’. Pretty much the idea is that there is a sphere made of spheres, then a tetrahedron made of tetrahedrons inside that, and a cube made of cubes in between the two. I added an extra layer of detail by having small colored glass objects inside the larger clear ones. Evidently it’s not too easy to figure out though…:frowning:

[Edit] Here’s a bigger Yafray render that doesn’t conform to CG Sphere guidelines. Hopefully it should make things a little more clear. 1600x1200

Thanks for your input guys, I went ahead and submitted the Indigo render.:yes: “Spherahedrons”

So far as I can tell it’s dupli-objects rendered with indigo. That says it all, really.

Granted, it didn’t take long to do, but this project was really somewhat of an afterthought. I promise I’ll put my all into my 2nd submission.:wink:

geez…we set such a high standard for some peeps…I’ve added it to my fav’s.

Edit: Sorry, for being late…

I like the concept but I wouldn’t call either of those “finished”.

Here are some nit-picky crits…
The first image isnt lit well enough, and the second is too bright. Also, the grainyness on the second image kills it. However, If I had to choose one to submit out of those two, it would be the first one.

Not trying to be mean here, just giving you another perspective. I really do like the concept though, but it’s hard to differentiate between the tetrahedron and the cube inside of the sphere.

I’ll be looking forward to the 2nd submission = )

Well, I already have an idea for a second one. I’m going to try to make a vortex with the fluid sim in a hollow glass sphere. I’m going to try having a small obstacle at the bottom of the bowl spin very rapidly, hopefully creating a vortex like in a blender. Goes to make some lo-res tests

Oy, I’ll be wanting a quad core processor right about now. I have oodles of RAM to spare, but the test is taking a long time to bake, even at resolution 50.

Holy crap. This may just work. The obstacle is spinning at 3,000 RPM. (2 full rotations per frame at 25 FPS.)

.thats an amazing idea

great work