CG Talk Machineflesh Challenge - WIP - Update 04/01 Pg. 2

Hi all. Along side my F1 entry, I have also decided to enter the Machineflesh challenge over at CG Talk. This is my first ever challenge over there and I am looking forward to the bashing of my ego very much. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is the start of my human model. This is my first ever attempt at modelling a human body and I think it has started out OK thus far. Some tweaks to do to soften some stuff up, but that is all I can see so far. Some details to be added to the legs and then onto the head model.

I am not to concerned about the crotch area, as there will be tubes and such attached that will cover that bad section of the mesh up.

Comments are appreciated. Thanks for looking.


The picture dosn’t show up.

hmmmmmm… Shows up here no probelm.


shows up here too, but I don’t have anything to comment, sorry.
looks like torso to me… :slight_smile:

goodluck with the competition.


Good start. This is going to be one interesting challenge.

Good luck with the competition!


Smoothed out the abs. Tweaked some verts on the legs and torso. Now to smooth out the arms and then start the head.

This is going to be a lot of work. Hopefully I will get it finished.


cool, more veins maybe.

More veins, eh? Well, I think I will add them into the UV map. If I ever get that far. :stuck_out_tongue:


i think it looks great! if you need more help go to

i believe his email is "[email protected]"

he is the best human modelor in the world for blender i think

he models humans so well…it is crazy…

Nathan: Thanks man. Guess where I am learning my human modelling from? :stuck_out_tongue:


Start of the head. Not much, but any input you all have, I could surely use.


His jaw needs to stick out further to the sides.

ok i can see the first one but not the rest post a link plz

Really nice modelling… the thighs seem big though.
Also the skin textured render seems a bit too plastic and shiny I think… maybe a really sweaty guy?
Anyway overall its amazing for a first torso effort! you Inspire me.

  • emk

the pectoral area on the torso looks a bit strange… the shape doesn’t look right. I don’t especially like muscules, so I could be wrong here, but… you might want to check that out.

penis is too small. neighbours will laugh at him.
life is hard as it is, so do him a favor…

is that rigged? the right knee looks like it’s popped backwards.
also, knees look to be a bit too low.

head is good so far. original style.
maybe setsmooth on the eyeball there :slight_smile:


That’s very good fellow!
it looks like it’ll be hard for me!! :o


Thanks for all the comments guys.

Grimreaper: Odd. Works here and seems to work for everyone else. I’ll see about getting a link up for you later. Too busy right now.

emk: Thanks. The thighs need to have some definition added. So they will look better in the near future, I hope. :stuck_out_tongue: The skin is temporary right now. So don’t worry about that material. Will be changed in the end.

basse: Thanks. The pecs seem to be ok from images I have and no one else has said they look odd. So I think they are OK. As for the penis. Well, I can’t make him as big as me, cause then my wife would get jealous and want get with a CG guy. Can’t let that happen. And so what if he gets laughed at for having a small penis. He’s gonna be hooked up to feeding tubes and waste buckets. He’ll have more to be ashamed of than his penis.

YAYA: Thanks. Get something going on this challenge. I saw you entered, but haven’t seen anything yet. These challenges are a good way to practice and to get inspired.


Slight head update:

Widened it up so it doesn’t look so thin anymore. I like it the way it is now, width wise anyway.


hmm… one thing I’ve noticed:
In some other head models I’ve seen, the Eye-spheres are absolutely huge… these ones seem to actually be the right size so I assume in reality they must be undersized.

  • emk


Started working on the mechanical elements that will be connected to the head.