Okay so im gonna make a new site, and its mascot is going to be a robot named cg lol :slight_smile: yes yes i know not very original but hey, it works with the domain.

in any case i have been modeling him for a while. Here is how it progressed.

Going to work on him some more. Please note that this is my third project in blender. But im planning on finishing doing his neck then ill get started on his torso.

I like the modelling. Seeing forward to the next step.

Well i have been really busy this weekend so i didnt do much progress. But i ran out of ideas for extra details on the abdomen. So im still trying things out.

Nice and clean modeling…keep it up…

thats a very insecty body.

Whoa. Awesome. I can’t wait to see where this goes.

Okay worked on his arm :0. Needs some more work though.

Looking extremely nice, can’t wait to see how it turns out. :slight_smile:

The arms don’t do it for me. The rest of the model has a smooth, undulating flow to it, it is–in fact–very nice; the arms, though… they look clunky and cylindrical. :confused:

Hey, though, on the bright side, if you don’t want to remodel the arm, it’d be really easy to change the main shape to something more flowing with a lattice.

uhm i dont exactly understand how they are clunky, could you go into greate detail?
i was kinda running low on ideas for the arms because there really was no way of modeling them without crossing a line between mechanical and organic and still keeping the nice smooth shape of the body :S

That’s the thing, the body is smooth and stylized, and the arms are tubes without form at all. By the way do you mean ‘no way of modeling a mechanical joint that will fit with the body’?

no well actually i was going to have a ball that attaches the arm to the rest of the body. But what i meant about the hand was the fact that if i mace it too curvy it will look more well organic, and its not really cylindrical because i modeled it out of a plane. What my question essentially was, how can i improve it so it looks better with the body besides adding curves? Because i cant find a design that suits the body.

okay im still out of ideas, after doodling around for a bit, i cleaned up the topology, and then i added a joint, so now the arm is technically attached to the body. I still dont know how to make it better though.

Here’s something, try and make a shoulder joint. I mean, right now, honestly, his arm can’t rotate much at the shoulder, because the arm can only traverse the sphere about 5-10 degrees in any direction before the lip of the arm joint collides with the torso.

Try an add a seperate joint for the shoulder–like they had in medieval suits of armour–to offset the arm and let it rotate fully.

yah i see what you are saying, i will make another attempt at this tomorrow, its getting kinda late right now so i good night everyone.

Ok sorry im back, did not have any time at all this time, my workload seemed to be quadrupling over the past couple of days, and i still need to fill out some college apps. So once i got some time to do some stuff on the character, i got this brilliant idea to try and use multi res mod, well i forgot to save, and guess what, besides being completely useless it screwed up my mesh and my topology, so i had to redo the entire thing(not completely from scratch but pretty close). So here is what i have so far. Going to get started on the arms soon too.

Ok started working on the arms, lol i finally got something that i like, so tell me what you think about these ones.

Okay finished on the lower arm, now going to start the hand.
The fact that noone commented my work makes me sad because i tried very hard :frowning: