CGSphere - 13th century flail - [new update and final on first post]

Hi :slight_smile:

First of all: Happy new year for every one :smiley:

This is my first attempt for the CGSphere chalenge.

Internal render, wood texture from Lemog texture website, rust texture only made by proceduralā€™s, grid texture made by a mix of 2 or 3 photos.

Hope you like it !


A new version which is in conformity with the rules of CGSphere (ā€œDO NOT MODIFY THE GRID PLANE! OK ?ā€ :smiley: )
Addition of cobwebs and final improvement of lighting.


OK, the final version for me :wink:

Tell me if it is better than the previous one.

wow, nice render

Wow, Excellent work! Nothing to criticise! 5*
The rust texture is amazingā€¦ Is there a possibility that you show us how you did itā€¦:slight_smile: Pleaseā€¦:)ā€¦
Happy new year to you tooā€¦

wow, great textures.
ABout the rustā€¦
Is that like a mix of could procedurals? and is the bump hand modeled, or a disp map?

Nice work dude

Yeah, great textures.
It really looks ā€¦ heavy. :smiley:

Damn that is some nice work, and some very nice details.

Very pleasant looking render. Did you you displacement or is everything handmodelled?

Thanks for the comments ! :smiley:

free_ality and ook:
I have used modeling for big smash on the wood and hoops and two voronoi textures as displacement map for smallest.
I have also used the wood texture as displacement map.

The rust material is the rust part of my ā€œrust & paintā€ material (example:
You can found the blend file of this material here, if you want it :wink:


damn it looks good :open_mouth:
and tnx for the paint!

Very nice work

Thank you GFab3D, that example file is very helpfull!

:eek: Wow.That paint\rustā€¦ all procedural with no UV mapping? I can see many uses for this techniqueā€¦ Abandoned buildings, Old cars, Blackened armorā€¦ :D:D:D The Possibilities Are Endless

great texturing - iā€™d like to know how you did the rock - is that justtexturing or is there some modelling on the rock?

The object just look soo realā€¦ but backdrop look a bit artificialā€¦ Good attempt

Thanks a lot ! iā€™m happy that you appreciate my work.
I have added on first post a new version that follow the CGSphere rules.

Your textures look improved, but the cobwebs donā€™t looks right to me. Seems like they should be more see-through, and maybe be draped in between parts of the chain, instead of covering it.
Good luck with the contest!

edit: could you please post a link to your entry so that we can vote on it?

Thanks for the comment frodo2975 :slight_smile:

I agree, I have to rework on the cobweb.

I havenā€™t posted my second version yet. but if yout want, you can vote for my first submission here ->


Cobwebs look alright, but some of the shape you put it in doesnā€™t seem all natural.

Nice rust and wood though.

It is a bit too reflective on that one part where it goes up. With some work it would look great!