CGSphere entries

Hi everyone,

I have beeing having my fun doing some entries for CGSphere and decided to put then here as well for 4 apreciation.

Merry Christmas to you all !!!

Oooh… Palantir… must, pick, up… What’s this? Sauron!? Oh my! Strider help me! (I am assuming that that was a Palantir back there)

Great work! but the eye needs to be brighter, more firey. Better than what I can -currently- do. :slight_smile:

good work!
the first two are my favorite!

HaHa nice! Especially love the cattapillar!

Some nice ideas here, I like the first one and the bug…especially the latter one shows some excellent texturing and lighting.
The other ones are rather simple or merely strange…I have absolutely no clue what the last sphere should be. The bike is quite too much distorted for me and the Sauron one is a little too simple for my taste, it would need more “power”, if you get my point.
But once again, good job overall :slight_smile:

Really nice, though you can’t alter the grid!

Love the cattapillar

Love this.
The last one indeed should go and see a doctor.

the bike is f-ing great. We need more awesome stuff in blender. Oh, and anyone see the suicide one? absolutely amazing…

Thank you guys 4 your kind comments.
I have some more works done with blender that im willing to put here.

3 of them are the actually the full size entries for blender splash contest and I will post them as soon the new blender came out.

I also have (and I find those more interesting from the blender comunity point of view) some animations done with Blender and “blended” with video and sound.

Those are actually my “all day activity” as I work as digital designer building DVD menus for movies we rent at block busters and so.

Im making my efforts to give them a reasonable size and them include them on my portfolio page. I believe January will be the month for that. :slight_smile:

Happy new hear!!!

Haha, great work! The third one most certainly is the best one! Hahahaha, so cool.

I can tell by the last two that you have an excellent sense of humor.
As far as technical achievement goes, I think the third one is the best.

Good work, very original. (Except for the second one)

Really nice lighting and materials. Good ideas too. I like your style a lot.

Last one is hilarious! Great entries.