CGSphere Entry,Stable to Shelf, My first 3D Scene

This is a Render done for the CGSphere site that turned into a Christmas present for my sister. This is my first 3D Scene completed in any program. I do plan on coming back and doing a better render with ambient occlusion and soft shadows, but that will be much easier when 2.43 comes out. crits and comments welcome

High quality .png version here

Omg! That Is Waaaay Cool!

Umm your a bit late Johnson.

LoL. Better later than never! :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t resurrect old threads.


BlackBoe: thanks allot :frowning:

JohnsonGetDown: Thank you very much. I’m glad you appreciate it! :smiley:

As far as I know its 4 months before a thread is considered old. It has not been 4 months.

Oh, then maybe it isn’t.

Anyway, I like this, myself. Your rig is great.

I guess then I’m in time to say:

OMG… I din’t see it… it’s amazing!

lubrio: Thank you, it kind just got lost in the didn’t it

JohnsonGetDown: Thank you again!

Does anyone have any advice on how to render ambient occlusion properly? I keep getting strange artifacts on the white shells at the base of the snow globe. It seems to interact strangely to the bump map I am using.

Show a quick AO render and I’ll see if I can help.

Alden: Oops, Never mind:o. I hadn’t tried it with 2.43 yet. The problem is gone:spin:.

Good to hear :smiley:

But I have run into another problem. How do I get ambient occlusion to affect the horse inside the glass ball?

That’s odd- I never heard of that before. Are all your normals facing the right way?

Nope that didn’t work. I even tried flipping the normals and deleting the second layer of glass that I was using for thickness, didn’t work. I flipped the normals again, that didn’t work. I think I will just have to use the compositor.

OK, I figured out what is wrong. The distance value was set way to high in AO settings. I have the models on a very small scale, so the distance value of 10.00 was way to high. I had to turn it down to 0.30 before I started even seeing any effect on the horse in the snow globe.

Is there an option to have AO not effect certain faces or objects?

You could turn off ‘traceable’ for the glass. This doesn’t mean it won’t refract, it just means it won’t cast shadows.