CGTalk contest entry

This is for the GUTS (game uv and texturing) challenge on cgtalk. It’s a fun little contest aimed at texturing. The goal for this one is to texture a cube as creatively as possible to break away from the common crate. Here is my first entry, a tribute and a flashback to the hunchbacked nerdy freshmen in highschool:

Any suggestions?

And here’s something I felt wasn’t worth it’s own thread so it’s going to piggyback on this one. Zombie flesh texture tutorial

The deadline for the contest is January 10th. There’s plenty of time and it’s easy enough so join in.

Excellent as usual!
Funny and well done.
You’ll win easily :slight_smile:

Heh heh, thats a good idea.

Wow, those are both awesome (the backpack and the zombie tut). Personally, I think the zombie flesh tut deserved its own thread. For the backpack, the only improvement I would suggest is adding a normal map to give it a bit more depth.

Edit: I dig the Perot button. Nice touch.

looks nice… nice texture

and whats perot?


Lol, an anime textbook.

Nice work man, it’s all very smooth looking.

Thanks guys… I’m still looking for that universally funny button. I’ll probably texture in some way of holding the bag shut too, and add one or two more accessories. Blendenzo, we’re only allowed a total of 512x512 pixel space for textures. I haven’t decided yet if I want to kill a little color map quality for a normal and spec map. I already had to squish it to fit in a square 512x512 space. I’ll probably try it out.