Just testing some lighting and Particle Smoke.
Looks nice but it is kind of hard to tell the smoke is there. Usually fire is causing the smoke so you can see some of the light of the fire at the very bottom of the smoke stack. Looking good, and good luck with the competition!
Im still doing a few minor corrections and perhaps some postpro, but this is pretty much it. Here is the background Story I submitted to CGtalk.
In Science Fiction, human relationships with Aliens usually go one of two ways. Either everyone gets along fine like a utopia, or they’re waging war on one another.
I tried to imagine what it would be like if aliens would actually live among us.Considering human nature, it would probably not be long before racial tensions and growing resentment towards the aliens would begin to surface.
When trying to come up with a concept for the image, I suddenly remembered an incident in 1992 in Rostock, Germany, where neonazis set fire to a building which housed asylum seekers.
I originally wanted to depict a grand scene, where firemen were attempting to put out the fire, while police clashed with rioters in the background. I wanted to put the focus on a fireman carrying an alien girl out of the burning building.
However, as time progressed and I got further into the project, I realised that I would have a problem with the framing of my shot. If the scene was as grand as I originally intended, I would have to pull the camera back a long way, which would distract from the fireman carrying the alien girl.
I did a few tests and started to strip away anything non-essential to the image. I played around with the idea of a burning cross or two in the background, but it just didn’t seem right. Finally, I decided to surround them in smoke, using lighting to hint at the surrounding chaos.
looking good there! the emerging-from-the-smoke look works well, I have but two tiny crits, the curve at the back of her ankles seems too sharp and he might want to be supporting her neck lol. Other than that, awesome picture