Chairs and Cushions.

I need advice and criticism. Been trying to model some chairs for something im working on. I’m new so I was just messing around basically, seeing if it would be easy. I found out a few things early on… I’m bad with proportion, I did NOT know how to make a cushion for the seat and back of the chair and I suck with lighting lol. The first picture will be of my first chair, that has awful lighting and awful cushions. The second and third picture will be of my new chair that has cushions that I am proud of (maybe because I’m newbie and the amount of time it took me to figure out a way to make a decent cushion!) terrible lighting once again, and the legs and stuff on it are supposed to be metal… but… don’t quite look it. I’d like to know if there is an easier way to make a cushion similar to the ones (or better) I have in the second and third picture. What I done was… start with the main cube, extrude up, then extrude right from that one, then extrude down from that one so i have another cube (well, top of a cube atleast) made out of 4 cubes. I then added subsurf… it gave me a funny little object that kind of had “legs” so I worked with creasing untill I achieved what looked like a pillow that you’d throw in the corner of a couch or something. lol. I then selected all vertices and subdivided, then I selected all the bottom vertices and deleted them to cut it in half… now I end up with a hollow cushion like thing… looks good… untill I added a material and texture. Rendered it and had odd stuff in one corner. So I looked at the hollow side of it and notice I had some vertices sticking out, deleted those and it looked fine… and is what I used in the last two pictures… I’m thinking there must be a simpler way to make a cushion though, so… if you know of one, I’d be glad to hear it!.. Anyways, here are the pictures. Tell me what you think about them, what I can improve (lighting… obviously lol) and what not. Basically, criticize it to your hearts content.
