Chaise Longe

hi all here’s the progress of this upholstered furniture modeling

sorry for my bad English


This pattern is repeated



Very cool! Looking great.

I’d suggest adding leather bump mapping to the leather; even ever so slight.

Also; why aren’t you using a newer version of blender :slight_smile:

In fact, I’ve provided you with one here :slight_smile: Enjoy!

oooj … thanks for the texture
I’m using Blender 2.69

I will prepare a scene for a render

looking very good. not a fan of the Chaise lounges myself but good work and i love the dimpled pattern. Would you be OK with sharing how you wraped the model around into an arm rest and created the leather creases from where it is then pulled towards the center? I have a few ideas, but never having done it, provided your success i figured id ask you.

Nice work.

And i still miss the 2.49 theme. I dont use it personally but i loved it back when i actually used 2.49. something about it just feels off to me now. dont know if its a good or bad thing. but that met cap and icons are what gave away the version number i think. I am curious how many others will still wonder, and perhaps say something, before they see your comment.

thanks for the comments …
Here is an example of a small render

here is the pattern
enjoy it

@RickyBlender excellent information… muchas gracias…

I realized long ago that this work also

I used the pattern was somewhat different


Thanks :slight_smile: so, are you wraping this patern around the shape of the surface using curves? or are you using a latice? or doing it by hand? Being a 3D patern, this is what truly is fascinating me. Again, awesome work, and thank you for sharing the pattern.

created after the pattern, I make the final shape by hand, although it took as long as this object modeling, and the models do very fast.
in some cases I used bezier curves to give forms like this one.