Challenge #103 Voting CLOSED

This week’s theme: Cyberpunk

Pure Entries

@ner [list:4fa9f3d805]

Ok you say punk and I think Mohawk! You say Cyber I think of Cyborgs so is it any wonder that my entry isa cybernetic monkey with a mohawk? poped the monkey head onto this odd little body I made and gave him a nice punky do and some peircings. Made the textures with Photoshop and the “laser” is my poor attempt with the particale system.

Here’s my abstract entry. Just a bit cyber look. Original render was in color.

“Identification procedure”

Hello… here’s an entry… the idea is silly and the work’s simple, but it was fun to make, and it’s my first entry into one of these…

Jay Eff
trojan virus

She is in an underground “cyber cafe” is about to login to the system…

Cyberpunk was a challenging topic to tackle because it could be too specific for some, or paradoxically, too general for some. But challenges always encourage weird ideas so I came up with this very Sci-Fi pulp cover inspired image. It fits into the genre and more importantly I think it goes with the cyberpunk attitude and aesthetic.


@ner, BackiZ or Samir… tough choice…

I’ll go with samir. There is a card in Magic The Gathering that has almost the same theme and I liked the picture on it. And since then it’s stuck in my head. Samir’s picture’s atmosphere makes me feel like I’m a crowd that listens punk thousands of years from today… Very good job!


wow, the fewest entrys in quite a while…
not any that really catch my attention, so im tossing my vote to @ner.
pick a better topic @ner!! (BdGm, whats wrong with you!?! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: )

and I missed the deadline :frowning:

nice work everyone (that got there entries in on time), my vote goes to Samir because of its different depiction and nice composition :smiley:

@ner gets my vote, close seconds being Samir and Jay Eff.

Wow. I am surprised that more were not submitted. Well, out of these @ner is my vote, but Robertt: the modelling is great, the scene is great, but the texturing? I have seen better from you. You disappoint me. :frowning:

voted for @ner and quit picking on robertt guys. :stuck_out_tongue:

BackiZ, Robertt, @ner - All great

Voted for @ner (Which I am proud to say used my texture tutorial as reference for his excellent skin :slight_smile: )

jay eff gets my vote…

BackiZ’s picture is nice and abstract. I like Samir’s picture, but maybe the smaller hand could have been a bit less hidden in the shadows. The winner for me is @ner.

You are all so talented…
/ Mattias


very nice modeling, very nice texturing, good idea

anthony dark

cant get the link to work


definately abstract, a bit on the cyber side, but it doesnt look complete


good modeling except for the arm details, good idea, and good concept


very nice idea…

jay eff

great idea, great modeling, but lighting and parts of the environment could be better


what can i say? outstanding modeling, great environment, good render, and superb textures. got my vote


pretty good all around, but i would have liked to see more of it.

i think the only reason robertts isnt in first is because ppl want to give other participants a chance for once :wink:

Robertt, you’ve got my vote, simply because of the amount of time you must have spend on it.

I had an entry too, but there was a problem;
I blend at an other computer than the one with the internetconnection.
If I copy my picture to a 3,5-inch disk and I open it on the computer with internet, it’s totally black :-?.
This computer is a bit darker, but it can’t make so much difference.
Does anyone know the problem?

At least I tried, but I wouldn’t stand a chance.

hmmm… Guess I Picked a tougher topic than I thought it would be. Oh well.

I’ll be back for the next one, so get ready all. :stuck_out_tongue:


i voted for backiz.
the other pictures were very nice too.
thank you to anyone who liked mine.


I was between @ner’s and chili’s entries, but eventually I decided to give my vote to chili… Very nice hand modelling attempt and I like the texturing work a lot… @ner’s was very good also but chili gives me the impression of a more “complete” scene…

I also liked samir’s work very much (not that the others were bad, on the contrary!!!)… I suppose he’s right this thing could really fit into a science fiction magazine cover…

AnthonyDark there is a problem with the link to your image… I think you should ask Theeth to take a look at it and fix it…

Good work everyone… :smiley:

I posted this in the entries thread:

to access AnthonyDark’s pic just copy and paste this url (it’s the only url in the html that comes up when you click the link for his pick):



It’d be good if someone had done robots vandalising things, (punk robots). Why didn’t I think of this last saturday?

My vote went to @ner. Great work by Samir, too.

Somethings wrong with my link? Works for me but that means nothing most likely has something to do with angelfire if only there was a better way to get free webspace sighs Oh well vote goes to Samir though I do wonder who the people are saluting. But it would fit very nice into some of the cyberpunk pen and paper role playing game books I’ve seen so he gets it. wonders off to kill angelfire and try to fix his link

AnthonyDark: Alltaken (blender user) hosts a public gallery at

You can upload your stuff to there for free, no adds, no fuss.

