Please remember to state if your entry is pure, open or non-competing.
“There are two main goals for these contests: Fun and Glory.
Fun: You get only 4 days to create a cool image, based on the theme for the week.
Glory: After 2 days of voting, a winner is declared. The winner picks the theme for next week and will be featured in the Feature Row.”
I had an idea which could be part of the ten-cube-challenge… or multiple submission of it… as you can see: it grew a bit bigger and also a bit uncubic (and something hidden not really hard). But so far i had a little fun i wanted to share. ( Even text and arrows are pure blender 3D (no compositing), simplest materials in fact two; text and arrows do emit a little light to see them better and a small bevel to make the objects a tiny bit more “crisp” and this is of course almost not visible ; only 128 samples and denoise in cycles. )
Just accidentally overrode my save file for Challenge #979 [“Rollercoaster & Co”] because I named them both AmusementPark.blend. Not really upset about it, because it was a really fast and simply entry that I didn’t really care about, but, somehow, it was also the first challenge I won.
(Challenge #979 "Rollercoaster & Co." (25/03/22) Entries CLOSED)
I have an idea for an animation for this theme, but not sure if I’ll get it done. Does anybody know how to embed videos directly into the thread and whether there is a size cap for embedding? Otherwise, I’ll just post to YT with a link.
You can upload mp4 directly ( same limit of 5MB as others) or use any (maybe extra embed or share) link. Even if it seems some youtube videos doesn’t work directly (embeded) any more, you have to click the link.
I use Vimeo for most of the videos I post. It gives me an embed code (html stuff) that I can post on the forum here and that adds the video as a thumb nail image with the play button, allowing you to play the video right here. No need to follow links. Does YT offer something like that?
Thank you. I manually copied the URL and deleted everything after the ? replacing it with “feature=shared” and that seemed to do it. Based on the image you provided. Thanks.
In my experience, most of the time you spend at an amusement park is waiting in line. I can’t make people, but sometimes the lines start before you even get out of your car.
I might have spent a bit too long on character and set design, but I’m still going to try and get an animation done. If it’s not finished by Monday, I can always use it the next time this theme comes up!
I didn’t like the way the vimeo embed code looked in a post on here. So I screwed around with posting links, then screwed around a bit more and still couldn’t get it to look right (missing thumbnail)
Then I finally figured out toying with the URL gave me what I wanted, an image with a play button.
IIRC there’s a 5MB limit and it won’t allow AVI files. When I tried to upload a ring of dancing bears for the “Ring” challenge a few weeks ago, I had to find an online converter from AVI to MP4. (Also that made it smaller)