Challenge #1109 "Retirement" Voting CLOSED

This week’s theme: Retirement

Which entry would you like to see win?
(If you cannot decide, pick up to 3.)

  • 3dnotguru
  • Trentle
  • fcharr
  • BigBott
  • cesium_27
  • didierv
  • QR16
  • Oliver_Stevens
  • Iretemi3d
  • a59303
  • md2000
  • Nime_otaku
  • riidom
  • PMDesigns
0 voters

After 2 days of voting, a winner is declared: The voting will close on: Wed, Sep 25, 2024 11:00 PM.
The winner picks the theme for next week.

If the winner doesn’t supply a theme before Thursday 22:30 GMT, the organizer will select the theme. In this case, the winner’s theme will be used the next time we are lacking a theme on Thursday 22:30 GMT. :slight_smile:

Having selected the theme, the winner will not be eligible to enter that week. They may however still submit an image, but it won’t be included in the voting.

This week’s winner:

Pure Entries

3dnotguru: unwind under a tree

Trentle: Retire From The Day

fcharr: Home By The Sea

BigBott: Fisherman

cesium_27: Soothed by the Sea

didierv: I can be a child again

QR16: Retired the pedal car after I got too big.

Oliver_Stevens: Rich and Anxious?

a59303: Change your latitude.

md2000: Time to Relax

Nime_otaku: New page in life

Open Entries

riidom: Did you try going back to work

(OPEN entry (using MALT renderer))

PMDesigns: Annual Retirement

((Unfinished) Tree textures and acorns were downloaded.)

Iretemi3d: It is finished

(Scene was created some time ago.)

Non-competing Entries

Helge: BookBulb

Millani: Retirement to go


BRO, how did it take me 2 FULL DAYS to notice to shading error on the left wall??? It literally would have taken 2 second to fix and now I can’t unsee it :sob:


You can call it a happy accident :sunglasses:


@Trentle: Don’t worry about it. You will always find something that you wish you’d done, after you’ve “shrink-wrapped it.” It’s a nice image, and I never even noticed that “error” that you speak of.

@rildom: Seriously luved your entry! Maybe because it’s beginning to “hit close to home.” Ahem. :slight_smile: (“These kids today …!”) The graphics on the back wall" is seriously imaginative.


Isn’t that a special pattern in the wall? Painted by a creative mind :wink:


And… the winner of Weekend Challenge 1109 with votes from 46.7% of the voters is… PMDesigns!
Here’s to all the great participators…

Annual Retirement


To the victor go the acorns, congrats @PMDesigns :slight_smile:


@fcharr Thanks very much. And thanks to the voters. So many great entries again this week, I didn’t think this unfinished render would stand a chance!


Feeling good? Try this:

1 Like

Congrats! @PMDesigns Another great render! :chipmunk::+1:t2: