Challenge #1114 "silence" (25/10/24) Entries CLOSED

I drove myself mad with it/ softbody physics to the point I ended up scrapping the entire idea. Have just made myself cry with the stupid volumetric lighting in this one instead.

I think these challenges have done more for my absolutely paralysing perfectionism in the past fortnight, than therapy ever did. What helps with these is that no-ones going to grab hold of my drawing, rip it up in front of me and then bin the pieces because I’ve spent “too long” on it. This didn’t just happen once as a child - it’s a large part of why I find being expected to use traditional media for anything larger than A5 to be completely overwhelming.

Shh, the books are sleeping!

Rendered the lighting without having my potato of a laptop catch fire. I think this is pure? The books are via Bookgen, but everything else is me.