Challenge #1119 "crossing the boundary" Voting CLOSED

This week’s theme: crossing the boundary

Which entry would you like to see win?
(If you cannot decide, pick up to 2.)

  • fcharr
  • Michael_Burkhart
  • Isengard42
  • md2000
  • codecontemplator
  • Trentle
  • revolt_randy
0 voters

After 2 days of voting, a winner is declared: The voting will close on: Wed, Dec 4, 2024 11:00 PM.
The winner picks the theme for next week.

If the winner doesn’t supply a theme before Thursday 22:30 GMT, the organizer will select the theme. In this case, the winner’s theme will be used the next time we are lacking a theme on Thursday 22:30 GMT. :slight_smile:

Having selected the theme, the winner will not be eligible to enter that week. They may however still submit an image, but it won’t be included in the voting.

Pure Entries

fcharr: Type Two Civilization

Michael_Burkhart: Crossing The Boundary

Isengard42: Final Boundry

md2000: Warm Welcome

Open Entries

codecontemplator: Escape from scifi prison

(HDRI from blenderkit and human base mesh from blender demo files.)

Trentle: The Roche Limit

(The Mars and sky textures are downloaded.)

revolt_randy: Crossing the Final Boundary

Non-competing Entries

Helge: Peeking Through The Clouds

Victor2: Cross the border between fantasy and reality.

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Congrats on some nice entries. I am glad I wasn’t the only morbid person to go with death. I like the animation representation.

@Helge super cool, how do you make these so fast by Friday morning you already had it up.

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It probably turns out Helge has used Blender since before it was open source!

Thx! Actually, I just found a little extra time on Friday evening, so I shifted my usual Blender schedule from Saturday night to Friday night. :wink:

Not quite. If I remember correctly, I started switching to Blender some time in 2012. But (in one way or another) I’ve been messing around with 3d graphics since the 90s.

Wasn’t really going for a horrible death, was going more for a Wile E. Coyote moment. And like Wile E. Coyote, this character will be back for more future adventures…


And… the winner of Weekend Challenge 1119 with votes from 58.8% of the voters is… Michael_Burkhart!
Here’s to all the great participators…

Crossing The Boundary


Here is something new… I mean old… - well, you’ll see:


Congrats Michael :slight_smile:

These are some really nice entries! So many different concepts. @Trentle I feel bad that I was too busy to vote this time round because as a space nerd I love your one!



I added a little animation after the challenge was over.