Challenge #222 Voting CLOSED

This week’s theme: Space Station

Pure Entries

  • BeBraw
    Pony Space Station - Get Yours now!

  • Blenderist
    Space Station

  • Drachis
    Study of the 5 Suns

  • Dustin
    Pure entry, background (excluding earth) is an image

  • Edeehem
    Home of the Future

  • Jeepster
    Suzanne wins everything

  • UnknowVector
    This is a lonely rest-stop floating in space, it even has a complementery book!

Pure Entries

  • RobertT
    “That’s… no space station… that’s a moon!” (or “So much to learn, he has.”)

Yeesh, three votes???

Can I vote again? :confused:

J/K. I like Edeehem’s for its pure, dreamlike, emotional appeal. Dustin’s, while pretty and technically flawless, seems to me more like one of those pictures you’d find hanging in an office complex somewhere… (sorry).

Thanks Duoas.
I can’t see right Dustin’s entry right now because it seems his website hosting is down right now

Edit Now I see it :slight_smile:

Thanks for the votes guys (you know who you are)


seems to me more like one of those pictures you’d find hanging in an office complex somewhere… (sorry).

Hmm… what exactly do you mean by that? No need to apologize, though; I’m open to any criticism. I just don’t know what this really means. =P

As for the others, I really like Edeehem’s, as well as Jeepster’s. I really like the feeling that Edee’s gives, like Duoas said. It looks good.

My vote to Jeepster, I just wish you had applied shadows,
but I am prepared to overlook it this once :wink:


Though edeehems was lacking a lava lamp, I voted for his.

LoL Thanks Modron. Lava lamp? hehe :smiley:
I didnt do half of the details I was hoping to do. I admit that the interior was a fill-in-the-blank-quickly thing

My vote to Jeepster, I just wish you had applied shadows,
yea, still learning how to do lighting lol

haha, jeeps all the way, rock on man!

Sorry Dustin. Yes, I like yours a lot. What I mean is that it is very static --there’s nothing happing in your picture. I can’t place myself in it. I don’t work for NASA so it evokes no emotion from me. It doesn’t suggest a story or fantasy (daydream) of sorts. It is a technical picture.

Granted, that is probably what you were aiming for, and it is a great picture.

Just imagine, then, some poor university student frustrated and tired at home, hunched over his computer looking for something to take his mind off things for a little bit. He’s looking for something fantastic, non sequitur, interesting on an emotional level, humorous, etc. That’s just where I’m coming from… That’s all.
Technical pictures are more interesting when you can explore. What’s the inside look like? What’s it do/doing? Etc.


I thought edeehem’s was fine, but its a bit…bland. The models are simple, and the ‘home’ is small. if its was huge, somekind of apartment or something, he would have had my vote for sure…

Winner: Edeehem with 48% of the votes

