Challenge #233 Voting CLOSED

This week’s theme: Frozen

Pure Entries

  • 57r1k3r
    “Here at the snowman cryogencis lab we use only the best equipment and methods, and for less!”

  • @ndy
    cryogenic tears

  • AdamTM
    Frozen Ship in the arctic sea (DRAMATIC VERSION)

  • Djarielm
    Its a frozen cherry in an Ice Cube.

  • penitentman
    Waiting for a thaw…

  • rebogey
    Probable Space Bolder

  • relledom
    “A fisherman, out in the icy sea, hunting for food for today, being caught by the waves…

  • Sago
    Cold as Ice

  • scraze
    Mount Reckon I Wont

  • sgbzona
    Ok… this is my idea for this weekend challenge…
    Open Entries

  • animatinator
    So there I was, happily modelling away, when suddenly - NO! Blender’s frozen!!!

  • RobertT
    Mount Reckon, friend to few climbers, offers an incredible, seemingly endless view to those who brave it to its peak…

I went with @ndy, mostly based on the killer textures, but there were several that were quite good, very hard choice.

While @ndys work is great, i dont know what it has to do with the theme “frozen”

I think she’s supposed to be in cryogenic suspension.

I voted for Relledom, what great atmosphere.

I voted for penitentman. I love the stillness, reminds me of the big snow we had here in February.

Not that anyone cares, but my entry was supposed to be accompanied by this text:

Mount Reckon I Wont
Suzanne decided to claim the highest mountain to Blenderania, but the mountain has a will of its own…

nice entries everybody!
i think i’m going to have to vote for _______ (<-- that’s white text there)

This was an uncommonly-difficult vote for me. All of the entries were well-executed, but only a couple of them felt like they had story. So I went with what felt like the nicest overall sense of scene.

My favorite seems to have won this week. It seems to have a sort of modern art feel to it. Anyway it made a nice change to the stuff I usually do, and I hope I get chance to enter more this summer.

ps sago,s characterization was brilliant as always.

Winner: penitentman with 25% of the votes.



Close one.

Certainly didn’t expect to win with such great entries.

Thank you everyone who voted for me!

congratulations penitentman! :slight_smile:
