Challenge #411 (03/12/10) CLOSED

Theme #411 for 3 December 2010 is: Camera

Entry closes at 2100 GMT -5 Monday 6 December 2010.

Just a quick congratulations to Helix for the snowed in competition…

Good luck to all on this weekend challenge…


EDIT: Firefox stuffed up and posted my last post twice O_O

Thanks rarebit, it was fun, and the competition was fierce:) Such a good topic, maybe you can extend, or revisit the topic on your next WC win.

mattt360, that was fast! I like it.

Good luck everyone!

I know, I was fearful you’d not get the credit you deserve!

I’m not in it to win it! Hasn’t anyone realised this is a ‘challenge’, not a competition! I want to come here every weekend to get inspiration to get something done now!

I’m just here to make up numbers and make daft comments so people can think what is he on! I must have been dropped in a blender as a baby or something… My motto is…


Then why do we vote?

Am I the only entrant so far? looks like another ‘snowed in’ competition!

Post your entries, don’t have a conversation.

Where’s your entry? :stuck_out_tongue: Anyways we all like conversation, its the whole point of forums.

It’s good to converse, bumps the thread to get peeps to look & vote… plus I make lots of friends with “competitors”. I vote you all chat more =P

Here is my entry a classic Minox spy camera sitting on the Blender 2.6 blueprints.:o



Nice model, but you need to enable AO, so then we can see the top (or bottom…) of the camera.

Here is my non-participating entry:

The Appetent Apertures

Pure Blender 2.49.


Here’s my entry, “Under glass”

Beautiful RT!

Quandtum, it’s a shame we haven’t seen an entry from you in a while since they are always quite nice.


Thanks, HELIX :slight_smile: I really like your image too!

I also look forward to seeing new images from Quandtum.


RT, amazing, just can’t work out your environment map, I can almost see the Bilbao Guggenheim, but i’m probably wrong. Helix, your as twisted as your name suggests, but doubly so! Nightmares again for me, thanks a lot! Keith, love the die line background, very tactile. I’d like to see the camera a little more though. Mattt, love where you’ve gone, is something else going to appear though? Eh? Something is wrong with my WYSIWYG…

Thanks RT!

Thanks to you too rarebit, and you’re welcome:)

Hehe, thanks, been itching to do one but had lots of OT at work (wrapping up a 2 year project), just about out of the woods… for a while =P Hoping one of the upcoming ones I’ll be able to do!

Here’s my entry.

The Retro Styled Waltax R2000

I’ve been trying to work on my materials of late, so I kept my scene pretty simple and went for a high specular, graphic representation type of look which I think I achieved pretty well, any comments/suggestions are of course appreciated.

Kieth_H - Very Nice.

Helix - Well done sir! That is a truly beautiful piece of work, you’ve got my vote so far.

RT - Yet another stunning image, have you considered doing a tut on one of your WC pieces? I’m always amazed at how you manage to fit such detailed modeling and texturing into the space of a Weekend Challenge, Let us know your secret.

Good Luck All!

Thanks wallacemarino:) The camera looks pretty darn good to me, nice materials, but could maybe use some AO???