>.< meant mine to be a non-competing entry. Is fine though, I appreciate theeth hosting this every week for us (nice rocket btw, you should have put it in to vote =P).
I like how robo worked his planetoid in there, nice!
Awesome BWC. I see why theeth can’t be voted on, because he knows way before anyone else about what is going to be the theme. But I think I can speak for most of us here when I say it doesn’t really matter because it is a learning process SO next time put your stuff out to vote. I for one was blown away that you did one and it looks awesome. It reminds me of the rockets I used to build when I was a kid. You know the ones you buy now all put together Pffff crap. The best part was making it. ttyl
thanks levisarts,
i wanted to do something different,
and dont think im dissapointed - im really happy someone voted for me
its nice to know that you’re on the right track
I agree with the consensus, and I certainly don’t think Theeth should be penalized for being such a gracious host. IMO any advantage he may have knowing the topic before anyone else is offset by having to maintain the WC. So lets see some more entries Theeth, weather you want them to be participating or not.
Now Quandtum on the other hand should only be allowed non participating entries:)
To be perfectly honest, I did that in 20 mins right before closing the entries after noticing that nobody remembered Tintin’s trip to the moon in '54. I entered it as non participating because I didn’t think it was anything else than a fun entry.
For sure, I’d like to participate more, I just have lost of stuff on my plate lately (and my talents aren’t exactly in the arts department, for starters).
Levisarts: Actually, I always post the new topic as soon as I read it from the winner’s PM, so any time advantage I have is greatly balanced by my not having much skills.
Lots of good entries this week! I didn’t start mine until Monday afternoon, so I couldn’t get it done in time to enter, but the topic got me making something, at least. My vote had to go for Quandtum this week, because of the great realism.
Well shoot theeth no skillz. You sure got us fooled XD. gg I would most likely vote for you. If for nothing else, some Weekend challenge kudos lol. ttyl
P.S. Quandtum make a good theme . Then PM it to me lol.