Challenge #44 Entries (3/04/03) CLOSED

Theme #44 for 4 April 2003 is: Food

Entries closes at 2100 GMT -5 Monday, 7 April 2003.

please nottice the new closing time. I’ve been closing the thread around that time since a long time, so I might as well make it official.

Spooky… that was my potential “if I win” category for me on the Stone challenge…

I knew I wasn’t just paranoid… people really are reading my mind…

Unfortunately, my own mind control powers petered out somewhat when it came to influencing the voters.

so you have a head start then…
probably thinked over already a perfect scene that has it all, great texturing, modelling, animating, lighting postprocessing… and IDEA that nobody has NEVEREVER thought about… so simple, yet, so full of twists and turns…
… a picture, that revolutionalizes the whole blendering as we know it…



Damn right…

Behold the wonder that is a boiled egg at night viewed from underneath…

:Z :Z :Z :Z

I don’t know, though, I think it’s lacking something…

Oh cr*p! I forgot to save the .blend file!

Damn right…

Behold the wonder that is a boiled egg at night viewed from underneath…

:Z :Z :Z :Z

I don’t know, though, I think it’s lacking something…

Oh cr*p! I forgot to save the .blend file![/quote]

Yeah, and you really should have used higher OSA-setting, the edges are a bit jagged… well, no use to cry when the milk’s spilled. All your hours - nay DAYS- of hard work has gone down the drain…

LOL, I was wondering who would point that out…

Anyway, I guess I’m obliged to put a REAL entry in now…


Hi! This is my very first entry, so please be nice. :smiley:
You can find my picture here:

Oh, joy. I’m hungry as it is, and you want me to make something about food? Okay.

Hint: If anybody does a donut, don’t vote for them. It’s right in the NURBS menu! They may have to alter it some, but WORK YOU LAZY IDIOT!

PlAcEhOlDeR aS wElL aS mE bEiNg AnNoYiNg WiTh LeTtErS aGaIn

edit Yup, I did it… and actually went and put it up!

Here it is (after not even an hour… ouch):

Commentary: Did somebody say, “McDonalds?” No, now shut up. Did somebody say, “McGone?” Oh, yeah, baby.

PS: Could I get a thumbnail? :expressionless:

browman, your egg wasn’t boiled !!!

everything is done in blender, china patterns downloaded from google

Time to get involved :smiley:

Can some one host / suggest a host for me please?

It’s Smurfilicious!!!
The world and the way it would be if Gargamel wasn’t PG censored:

Pure as the driven snow! :smiley:

If I have some more time I’ll fix up the table texture a bit and make it more tabley…

Well, here’s the real one… just about worth entering… almost gave up… but not quite…

Pure (except for fence panel texture, which is googled)

Something healthy :slight_smile:


wasnt it a good choice to get an account over at :smiley:

Excellent work, but turn the OSA on and re-render it if you have a couple of minutes. Its’s a bit jaggie around the edges of the fruit and bowl. I think you have a potential winner there…

I decided against osa in the end.

It makes the edges of all the round thing much nicer, but it also filters out the speckles on the pear. :frowning:

Oh well. I’ve only been really blendering for about a month.

Try decreasing the “filter” amount on the image texture, assuming that it’s an image. I usually use 0.1 or 0.2 and that keeps the internal engine from blurring quite so much when applying an image to an object.

If it’s procedural, nevermind. :slight_smile:


Ah, well you tried, can’t say fairer than that I suppose…

Good luck :wink: