Challenge #499.6 Voting CLOSED

This week’s theme: character

Pure Entries

  • locnar
    “FrankenBunny a mad scientist production”

  • jeffiek
    “Character Kids”

  • Enthymeme

Open Entries

Non-Participating Entries

    “Little devil”

I voted for Helix :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, HELIX’s entry is nice.

Why isn’t there a voting bar for Helix???

because his is a non participating entry.

Woops!! Didn’t see that :slight_smile:

Thanks for the nice comments!

Nice entry Enthymeme! Looks low poly…Is it game worthy? :wink:

Enthymeme was kind enough to share it on Blendswap can check it out!

Cool, thanks for the link Quantum!

And thanks for sharing Enthymeme! Very impressive for a weekend…Would even be impressive for two weekends:)

Funny thing is, I can no longer spell that proper… it’s now a consistent bad habit >.<

Lol, Sorry QT! :slight_smile:

Ha, I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just sad that I reprogrammed myself to how that’s really spelled!

Too late, you are now QT…

After all, you wouldn’t want me to get reprogrammed too would you? :stuck_out_tongue:

:ba: … most definitely not (to reprogramming)!

Jeremy, you are the only person I know that actually would use the word quantum in a sentence. I honestly had to google it a few tears ago to find out what it means. Thank goodness for spell checkers. :slight_smile:

years ago.

Well I was laughing, though not quite in tears. :slight_smile:

You know… if you want to change your name to “Quantum” just contact the CGCOOKIE Help desk and they’ll change it for you :smiley: Mine was changed from “FERGOBLENDER” to “Nathan.Ferguson” :slight_smile:

Well, while I have been flirting with the idea of changing my name, I don’t think I could… that name for me is almost as old as the first web browser.

Sad, but I can remember when I used to browse the internet w/o a web browser by crawling through FTP, newgroups and MUD rooms.

EDIT: lol, <broken> link to a game I programmed and released way back in '98

Back when I had to program the pixels 'cause I didn’t know any better.

Winner Enthymem, with 86.96% of the votes!
