Challenge #58 Entries (07/18/03) CLOSED

Theme #58 for 18 July 2003 is: Rise of the Machines

Entries closes at 2100 GMT -5 Monday, 21 July 2003.

This will be a great challenge :smiley:

Here’s mine!

Everything made in blender, except a small pp for some more contrast.
It’s a search and destroy robot, after a battle, those robots are in search of human survivors and if they find one…well you know what happen :wink:
click the thumbnail to see the bigger version

time for WCing again…

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhh. 8) 8) 8) 8)

Deffinatley in for this one. Placeholder.

Bring on the machines,


This sounds cool, i’m in for this one!

I have a decent idea for this one. I just hope I can get it done in time.

A literal interpretation of the topic.

Placeholder for me :slight_smile:

When machines rise in power, and a machine of rising (motor/gear assembly etc) :smiley:
Pure, modeled and rendered in blender tuhopuu build with blin materials

hmmmmmmmmm sounds good i’ll have a look at my 8 ball.

outlook does not look good :frowning:

Sounds like I can have some fun here mocking the topic.

this topic is good. Pity i didn’t get home till today, else i might have been able to put in a lot of effort. I’ll see what happens though, i want to participate so i might.

hm, i am just too tired to continiue and entries due time is now, i’ll still do the render but in my own time =)

Lohn is entering? Wow, is there any point in entering now? heh. Maybe…If i can drag myself away from tradewars long enough, maybe.

:o NO WAY! LohnC is entering??!!
there went my self-confidence…

Hehehehe looks like we’re going to have a hard contest :wink:

fred and bob the two householditemdroids finally made out their differences,
and instead of the constant fighting,
decided to love each other just the way they are…

so, it’s still quite early in the morning, and both are sleeping like babies…
but any minute now, it’s rise and shine for these little machines.
lot to do today, places to vacuum, drinks the blend…


click for fullsize version!](

I guess this really counts as open entry, since I used my old droids from previous WC (droidwars)…


lohnc you’re alive?? wow. email me, i have no idea what’s going on for siggraph :slight_smile:


OK, here are my raised machines:

heavy crap…

(if is not working the link, copy and paste)

jeez basse, when i first looked at your picture it almost made me want to stop working on mine.

After i realised that part of it was reused, it at least made me wan’t to keep going, although i’m still very impressed.