Challenge #58 Entries (07/18/03) CLOSED

When the machines start to attack humankind, the military is called in to take them out. The advanced weapons of the machines slaughter most of the human forces, and only a small number of navy submarines are left.
It all comes down to one sub, which sails in close enough to launch a harpoon missile at the machine’s base. The machines quickly discover the plot, and try to destroy the sub. In the picture it just launches the missile before the sub is blown apart.

This was probably one of my biggest learning experiences in blender.
It was the first time i custom made texture maps for an object (the missile) which made it look pretty good, although you can’t see any detail in the pic.
I learnt alot about making smoke with particles, and what the unified renderer does.

The background was made in terragen in about 2 mins. Pity blender can’t replicate water like that.
I also did a bit of pp in photoshop, like the lense flare.

your pic doesn’t load.

Now it does

oh crap! I only have an hour to make my machine! shi**!

a little less than 5 hours you mean…


oh… I must be mixed up! PHEW
Title: Early Rise of a Machine

The full image is here:

Haven’t seen the movie yet, this is my guess at what it is about. When I saw basse’s entry I, as some others, was going to quit, I can’t compete with such creativity and skill, yet… well… I am learning and enjoying this a lot, so why not post it? :slight_smile:

Best luck to everyone,

Quite good (IMHO) model but I started too late (and am slow) so didn’t do any environment and material. Here it is - my machine. Hey this time is it so hard. Too many good pictures. Good luck everybody (especially me :wink: ).
bye . vosa the late

%| lohn, andy… hmmmm… :o :-?

Here is mine…

edit… and the large version

banana_socks: woa…that’s awesome! Particules are great, just enough blur, and the texture is also great!! :smiley: the water is picture…right?

I agree with x here… very cool! but I don’t think that you need an image to make that cool of water! could use some counter reflections of the explosion! I mean, where the water curves up, it should reflect it… other than that, everyone, verrry nice!