Challenge #59 Voting CLOSED

This week’s theme: Sewer

Pure Entries

rogerm3d [list:e68f347037]
Pure, modeled and rendered in blender 2.28


Oh yes, it’s a “pure” entry - completely new, and procedural except for the rust textures

still not completely happy with the sludge, but it will have to do for now.

Dare you enter this sewer?

The shape of the rat is modeled with curves, so this is a pure entry.

i give up -_-

…uh well, actually my entry is finished… duh!

just some pipes and tubes stiched together in a very unordered way
image color was slightly altered in PS and some slight blur was added, nothing more.

Sewers… Matrix style. Look out, here come the sentinels!


go nico!
excellent entry, great idea. The light looks a little weird to produce the shadow in that spot if you think about it, but great.

Honourable mentions go to @ndy and sutabi. I liked the pics, but nico’s just looks too cool.

Great entries this weekend. I’ll need lot’s of practice for I’ll get your modelling skills.

I voted for nico because the picture has got a good story built into it which make it stand out from the other entries.

Anyway you all did a marvelous job.


excellent work, nico. my vote goes to you :smiley:

rogermd: excellent looking sewer, lot of details… dont forget to setSmooth.

haunt_house: almost like a poster for a movie or something… creepy. looks like you finished it during night time? because it lacks a little contrast…

andy: great lighting! perhaps little blocky tubes… could’ve used more variation… dont know… :slight_smile:

nico: well… as I said before, my favourite… still is. excellent atmosphere.

My vote went to nico. That’s one of the coolest shadows I’ve seen done in Blender. @ndy’s was awesome too, along with rogerm3d’s with all its details.


phlip: I like the composition and use of texture and color in your entry. Nice work all!

Whew! That was a hard decision! I loved both nico and @ndy’s artwork, but my vote went to @ndy because his artwork has an excellent example of contrast and lighting. It also has an excellent atomsphere and er… it has an… unqiue sewer. :wink:

Congrats everyone, you have done an excellent job. :slight_smile: My head bows to you!

Like DreamMaster said it was a very hard decision. I like
@ndys and nicos pictures best and almost the same. But
I voted for nico for the nice idea and the great atmosphere.
@ndys work looks maybe a little more “professional” but…
I said it, it was a hard decision.


Great work everyone! I voted for rogerm3d because I especially liked his more realistic approach to the scene. He also payed attention to the look of the sewer water.

And is it me or does nico’s rat have opposable thumbs? :slight_smile: Scary hehe

it looks like i’m able to join again next week! whoohoo :smiley:
/me launches blender

lovely entries once again fellas… too bad i had to work - no time to enter this one :frowning: rogerm3d all i can see after seeing your piece is that windows screen saver - i love the piece too bad microsoft has corrupted my biological HD :slight_smile:

awesome stuff this time around guys!!

hard vote here…andy, or nico…

wow! I managed to get a whole vote :o

better than I thought i’d do :stuck_out_tongue:

me too, me too!!!

It was a close one between rodger and haunted for me… sutabi, if you only added something to the piece I could of swayed your way! :slight_smile:

Hats off to @ndy and nico, they are great pieces, you’ve got them looking great!

phlip and rnd… you had the same type of idea as the 2 mentioned above, I just felt these guys gave abit more atmosphere with what they had… maybe the colours made me feel ill phlip :stuck_out_tongue:

robert… you did make me think about the… [>] Matrix… shh! don’t tell anyone! but after the first two I kinda fell in love :slight_smile:

My vote goes to HAUNTED! :x

rock on…

I cannot believe that :o

Thank you

I also voted for your because it imressed me. Anyway it’s hard to choose (as almost everytime). I was thinking about @ndy’s nico’s and yours one.
vosa the picker

Actually I didn’t expect to get even one vote. Thanks guys. I will practise more.

happy Haunt_House

Winner: nico with 54% of the votes!

